

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:40:19作者:百科


Marlborough, Duke of,原名约翰.邱吉尔(John Churchill)。

英国军事首领,他曾在马斯垂克建立战功,并很快受到了提拔,在宫廷中也很受亲近,部分原因是由於他的妻子(参阅Marlborough, Duchess of)是安妮公主(後来的女王)的亲近侍女。在1685年詹姆斯二世即位後,他被授予中将军衔和实际的总司令职务。1688年,他转而为威廉三世效忠,被封为马博罗伯爵,并受命接任法兰德斯和爱尔兰的司令官作为酬报。他同威廉三世的关系在1690年代恶化。安妮女王在西班牙王位继承战争期间任命他为英国和荷兰军队的司令,并因在该职位上立下的功劳而受封为马博罗伯爵(1702)。他在布伦海姆战役(1704)中取得的胜利帮助欧洲恢复了势力平衡。作为对他的感谢,他被封为皇室领主,并在领地上修建了布伦海姆宫。他出色的军事策略使他取得了很多战争的胜利,其中最着名的有拉米伊(1706)和奥德纳尔德(1708)战役的胜利。他同安妮女王的影响力和对战争的经济支援遭到了托利党和辉各党的破坏。在他的辉各党联盟在1710年大选中败北後,他因滥用公共财产而被解职。虽然在1714年乔治一世恢复了对他的宠信,但他从此便已退休。他被认为是英国最伟大的将军,在拿破仑崛起前一直在欧洲享有很高的声誉。


Marlborough, Duke of

British military commander. He served with distinction at Maastricht (1673), was promoted rapidly, and advanced at court, in part because his wife (see Duchess of Marlborough) was a confidant of Princess (later Queen) Anne. On the accession of James II in 1685, he was made a lieutenant general and effective commander in chief. In 1688 he transferred his allegiance to William III, who rewarded him with the earldom of Marlborough and a succession of commands in Flanders and Ireland. His relationship with William deteriorated in the 1690s. Queen Anne appointed him commander of English and Dutch forces in the War of the Spanish Succession, and for his successes he was created duke of Marlborough (1702). His victory at the Battle of Blenheim (1704) helped change the balance of power in Europe. In gratitude, he was granted a royal manor, where Blenheim Palace was built. His outstanding military tactics continued to produce victories, notably at Ramillies (1706) and Oudenaarde (1708). His influence with Queen Anne and financial backing for the war were undermined by intrigue between Tories and Whigs. After his Whig allies lost the election of 1710, he was dismissed on charges of misuse of public money. He retired from public life, though he was restored to favor by George I in 1714. Considered one of England's greatest generals, he secured a reputation in Europe that was unrivaled until the rise of Napoleon.
