更新时间:2023-02-02 15:54:02作者:百科
18世纪的法文百科全书,由启蒙哲学家(philosophe)们编纂,是启蒙运动的主要着作之一。其全名为《百科全书,或科学、艺术和手工艺分类字典》(Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers,英译名Encyclopedia, or Classified Dictionary of Sciences, Arts, and Trades),此书是因为钱伯斯所编《百科全书;或艺术与科学通用字典》(Cyclopaedia; or An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 1728)大受欢迎而问世的。在狄德罗(Denis Diderot)的指导下,加上达朗伯(Jean Le Rond d'Alembert)的帮助,全书十七册在1751~1765年完成,後来又陆续增加册数,最後组成三十五册。刚出书时虽然遭保守的教会和官员的反对,并禁止出版,但此书吸引了当时许多重要的思想家来撰稿,如卢梭、伏尔泰(Voltaire)和狄德罗本人,他们被人称为「百科全书派」(Encyclopedist)。《百科全书》以其怀疑论、注重科学决定论和对当时政府、司法和教会弊端的批判而产生了广泛的影响,表达了在法国大革命之前已形成的一种进步思想。
English version:
French encyclopedia created in the 18th century by the philosophes; one of the principal works of the Enlightenment. Under the full title Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers (“Encyclopedia, or Classified Dictionary of Sciences, Arts, and Trades”), it was inspired by the success of E. Chambers's British Cyclopaedia; or An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences (1728). Under the direction of Denis Diderot and initially aided by Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, 17 volumes were published between 1751 and 1765; other volumes were added later for a total of 35. Though opposed by conservative ecclesiastics and government officials and subjected to censorship, the Encyclopédie attracted articles from many important thinkers of the time, including J.-J. Rousseau, Voltaire, and Diderot, who were called “Encyclopedists.” In its skepticism, its emphasis on scientific determinism, and its criticism of the abuses perpetrated by contemporary legal, judicial, and clerical institutions, the work had widespread influence as an expression of progressive thought prior to the French Revolution.