

更新时间:2023-02-02 15:54:02作者:百科


Grand Alliance, War of the

法国路易十四世的第三次重要战争,在此战争中,其扩张计画遭到英国、尼德兰联省共和国和奥地利哈布斯堡家族所领导的同盟阻挠。掀起这场战争的根本原因,是波旁王室和哈布斯堡王朝敌对力量的互相抗衡。路易十四世在1680年代为了使波旁王室获得西班牙王位的继承权而掀起战争。为了对抗他,哈布斯堡皇帝利奥波德一世加入其他欧洲国家组成的奥格斯堡联盟。虽然最後失败了,但1690年不列颠、布兰登堡、萨克森、巴伐利亚和西班牙都担心路易十四世会成功,而与利奥波德一世组成大同盟。当战争在欧洲和海外殖民地(包括美洲)爆发时(参阅King William's War),路易十四世发现他的军队准备不足,在海战中遭到严重的挫败。1695年路易十四世展开秘密和平谈判,後来签订「赖斯韦克条约」(1697)。然而此条约并未解决法国波旁王朝统治者和哈布斯堡家族间及英法之间的冲突。四年後,这些冲突在西班牙王位继承战争中重新升高。


Grand Alliance, War of the

Third major war of Louis XIV of France, in which his expansionist plans were blocked by an alliance led by Britain, the United Provinces of the Netherlands, and the Austrian Habsburgs. The deeper issue underlying the war was the rivalry between the Bourbon and Habsburg dynasties. Louis launched a campaign in the 1680s to position the Bourbons for future succession to the Spanish throne. To oppose him, the Habsburg emperor Leopold I joined other European nations in the League of Augsburg. The league proved ineffective, but in 1690 Britain, Brandenburg, Saxony, Bavaria, and Spain, alarmed at Louis's successes, joined with Leopold to form the Grand Alliance. As war broke out in Europe and in overseas colonies, including America (see King William's War), Louis found his military inadequately prepared, and France suffered heavy naval losses. In 1695 Louis started secret peace negotiations, which culminated in the Treaty of Rijswijk (1697). The underlying conflict between the Habsburg and Bourbon rulers and English-French conflicts remained unresolved and resurfaced four years later in the War of the Spanish Succession.
