

更新时间:2023-02-02 19:08:41作者:百科


英国的国家教会及安立甘宗(Anglican Communion)的母教会。基督教於2世纪传入不列颠,後几乎被入侵的盎格鲁-撒克逊人摧毁,597年坎特伯里的圣奥古斯丁(Augustine of Canterbury)来此地传教,才得以恢复。中世纪时教会和英国间的冲突,因宗教改革运动(Reformation)时亨利八世与天主教决裂而达於顶峰。当教宗拒绝宣布亨利与亚拉冈的凯瑟琳的婚姻无效,国王便颁布「至尊法」(Act of Supremacy, 1534),宣布英国国王是英国圣公会的首脑。亨利的继承者爱德华六世在位期间,宗教改革之风传入英格兰。玛丽一世在位的五年里天主教得以恢复,但伊莉莎白一世即位(1558),重新宣布英国圣公会为国家教会,以「公祷书」(Book of Common Prayer, 1549)和「三十九条信纲」(Thirty-nine Articles, 1571)为礼仪和教义的标准。17世纪清教徒运动兴起,终於演成英国内战(English Civil Wars, 1642~1651);共和(Commonwealth)期间政府镇压圣公会,但1660年圣公会又恢复。18世纪圣公会中出现福音派,强调新教传统,19世纪英国又兴起牛津运动(Oxford movement),强调天主教传统。20世纪英国圣公会积极参加普世教会运动。英国圣公会保留主教制,首脑是坎特伯里大主教。1992年教会举行投票以任命女性为牧师。美国圣公会(Episcopal Church)源自英国圣公会,两者间仍保持联系。

England, Church of

English national church and the mother church of the Anglican Communion. Christianity was brought to England in the 2nd century, and though nearly destroyed by the Anglo-Saxon invasions, it was reestablished after the mission of St. Augustine of Canterbury in 597. Medieval conflicts between church and state culminated in Henry VIII's break with Roman Catholicism in the Reformation. When the pope refused to annul Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon, the king issued the Act of Supremacy (1534), which declared the English monarch to be head of the Church of England. Under Henry's successor, Edward VI, more Protestant reforms were instituted. After a five-year Catholic reaction under Mary I, Elizabeth I ascended the throne (1558), and the Church of England was reestablished. The Book of Common Prayer (1549) and the Thirty-nine Articles (1571) became the standards for liturgy and doctrine. The rise of Puritanism in the 17th century led to the English Civil Wars; during the Commonwealth the Church of England was suppressed, but it was reestablished in 1660. The evangelical movement in the 18th century emphasized the church's Protestant heritage, while the Oxford movement in the 19th century emphasized its Roman Catholic heritage. The Church of England has maintained an episcopal form of government, and its leader is the archbishop of Canterbury. In 1992 the church voted to ordain women as priests. In the U.S., the Protestant Episcopal Church is descended from and remains associated with the Church of England.
