
更新时间:2023-02-02 19:08:38作者:百科


马科的物种,家马的学名Equus caballus,长久以来人类将马当作运输及拖曳的牲畜。马最早的祖先是始马(dawn horse,参阅eohippus)。现生的马不是承袭家马血统的只有普尔热瓦尔斯基氏野马。马似乎是在西元前三千年最早由中亚的游牧民族驯养。有数百年之久,马主要用於战争。马鞍在1世纪在中国开始采用。美洲的野马约在1万年前灭绝,西班牙人在16世纪重新引进。成年的雄马称为牡马,若用於繁殖则称为种马;成年的雌马称为牝马。阉割的雄马称为阉马。马的高度以10.2公分为单位,或称掌宽,从背部最高点(马鬓)到地面。品种依照大小与体型来分类?a href='' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>和弦仿恚ㄖ匦吐恚?a href='' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>比利时马、佩尔什马)四肢壮硕,高达20个掌宽;小型马(如谢德兰小型马,冰岛马)小於14.2个掌宽;轻型马(如阿拉伯马、纯种马)介於其间,很少高於17个掌宽。


Equine species (Equus caballus) long used by humans as a means of transport and as a draft animal. Its earliest ancestor was the dawn horse (see eohippus). The only living horse not descended from the domestic horse is Przewalski's horse. The horse was apparently first domesticated by nomadic peoples of central Asia in the 3rd millennium BC. Horses were primarily used in warfare for many centuries. The saddle was introduced in China in the first centuries AD. Horses were reintroduced to the New World, after wild horses had become extinct there some 10,000 years earlier, by the Spanish in the 16th century. A mature male is called a stallion or, if used for breeding, a stud; mature females are called mares. A castrated stallion is called a gelding. Young horses (foals) are also known as colts (males) and fillies (females). A horse's height is measured in 4-in. (10.2-cm) units, or hands, from the highest point of the back (withers) to the ground. Breeds are classified by size and build: draft (heavy) horses (e.g., Belgian, Percheron) are heavy-limbed and up to 20 hands high; ponies (e.g.,Shetland, Iceland) are less than 14.2 hands high; and light horses (e.g., Arabian, Thoroughbred) are intermediate, rarely taller than 17 hands.


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