更新时间:2023-02-02 19:05:34作者:百科
Webern, Anton (Friedrich Wilhelm von)
奥地利作曲家。幼时即学习钢琴和大提琴。以关於荷兰作曲家衣沙克(H. Isaac)的音乐的论文获维也纳大学音乐学博士。1904年开始和贝尔格(A. Berg)师从荀白克学习作曲。三人共同探索音乐表现新的一面,即无调性音乐。当荀白克创立了一种十二音的作曲方法时,魏本在其钢琴曲《儿童散曲》中首先采用,并在此後所有作品中都运用其序列技巧。此即所谓表现主义的《新维也纳学派》。魏本虽然作了《交响曲》(1928)、《协奏曲》(1934)和《钢琴变奏曲》(1936)等曲,但他主要还是以指挥为生。在第二次世界大战晚期奥地利被占领期间,他在艺术上完全与世隔绝,後被美占领军误杀。虽然生前广被误解与忽视,死後却被公认为对第二次世界大战後的音乐影响最大的作曲家之一。
English version:
Webern, Anton (Friedrich Wilhelm von)
Austrian composer. He learned piano and cello as a child and earned a doctorate in musicology at the University of Vienna, specializing in the music of H. Isaac. In 1904 he and A Berg began composition lessons with A. Schoenberg, and he was soon combining atonality with complex counterpoint in the manner of Isaac, producing works distinctive for their extreme brevity and delicacy. As Schoenberg was working on the twelve-tone method, Webern was independently moving in a similar direction, and after Schoenberg laid out the system for him, Webern embarked on such relatively extended pieces as the Symphony (1928), Concerto (1934), and Variations for Piano (1936), but the character of his works remained radically different from those of any contemporary. He earned a living most of his life as a conductor. During Austria's occupation at the end of World War II, he absentmindedly stepped outside during a curfew and was shot by an American soldier. Though he was little appreciated during his lifetime, his works became hugely influential internationally in the postwar decades.