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中国共产党(Chinese Communist Party (CCP))
陈独秀与李大钊於1921年在中国所创建的政治党派。中国共产党是直接从具有革新倾向的五四运动中酝酿而成,且自始就受到俄罗斯组织干部的协助。中国共产党在俄罗斯的指导下,於1921年举行第一届党代表大会。俄罗斯方面也邀请许多共产党员前往苏联进修,并鼓励共产党与中国国民党(参阅Nationalist Party)合作。此一合作维持至1927年当共产党员被逐出国民党为止。共产党在几度尝试暴动皆宣告失败後,声势迅速衰退。残余的少数党员逃向华中地带陆重新集结,在江西组成苏维埃式的政府。在蒋介石不断派出国民党军队的围剿下,共党部队走上迈向西北中国的长征之途,毛泽东也於期间成为共党中公认的领导者。中国与日本的战争於1937年爆发,这也让国民党与共产党达成暂时性的联盟。在第二次世界大战後,共产党接受美国调停,与国民党展开会谈。但於1947年,会谈宣告破裂,重启内战。共产党藉由重新分配土地的号召,迅速扩充它在农村间本已强大的势力,而於1949年掌控全中国大陆。随後的数十年间,毛泽东所领导的激进分子与最初由刘少奇所率领的温和派,角逐共产党以及中国的发展方向的控制权。在毛泽东於1976年死亡後,共产党稳定迈向经济自由化的道路,但仍维持一党专政。今天,中国共产党制定政策,交由政府官员执行。共产党组织的高层为政治局,政治局常务委员会以及中央书记处,至於其权力的划分则经常转换。亦请参阅Lin Biao、Liu Shaoqi。
English version:
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Political party founded in China in 1921 by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. It grew directly from the reform-oriented May Fourth Movement and was aided from the start by Russian organizers. Under Russian guidance, the CCP held its First Congress in 1921; the Russians also invited many members to the Soviet Union for study and encouraged cooperation with the Chinese Nationalists (see Guomindang). This cooperation lasted until 1927, when the Communists were expelled. CCP fortunes declined rapidly after several failed attempts at uprisings, and the few members that remained fled to central China to regroup, where they formed a soviet-style government in Jiangxi. Harried by the Nationalist army under Chiang Kai-shek, the CCP forces undertook the Long March to northwestern China, when Mao Zedong became the party's undisputed leader. War with the Japanese broke out in 1937 and led to a temporary alliance between the CCP and the Nationalists. After World War II, the CCP participated in U.S.-mediated talks with the Nationalists, but in 1947 the talks were abandoned and civil war resumed. The CCP increased its already strong rural base through land redistribution, and in 1949 it took control of mainland China. In the decades that followed, radical members led by Mao and moderates led initially by Liu Shaoqi vied for control of the party and the direction of China. After Mao's death in 1976 the party moved steadily toward economic, if not political, liberalization. Today the CCP sets policy, which government officials implement. The organs at the top of the CCP are the Politburo, the Politburo's Standing Committee, and the Secretariat, among which the division of power is constantly shifting. See also Lin Biao, Liu Shaoqi.