更新时间:2023-02-02 15:57:12作者:百科
纽约(New York)
美国东部一州。面积约为128,402平方公里。首府为奥尔班尼。哈得逊河、圣劳伦斯河、德拉瓦河、尼加拉河构成了该州的部分边界。其东北有阿第伦达克山脉,东部有卡兹奇山脉。在欧洲人到来之前,阿尔冈昆人(参阅Algonquian languages)和易洛魁人已经居住於此。1524年韦拉札诺造访了纽约湾。1609年哈得逊和山普伦的探险则最终导致了欧洲人的定居。1664年,当时以斯特伊弗桑特为首的荷兰殖民地新尼德兰向英国投诚,此地即重从新定名为纽约。以後法国印第安人战争在纽约州的北部和中部造成了一些麻烦,但战争结束後英国确立了在此的统治地位。在美国革命期间,这里也发生了大大小小的战斗,诸如泰孔德罗加和萨拉托加战役,以及在西点附近发生的阿诺德的叛乱。1777年纽约州通过了第一部州宪法。1797年州首府由纽约市迁往奥尔班尼。1825年伊利运河的开挖刺激了该州西部的发展。19世纪坦曼尼协会在纽约市的影响与日俱增,曾使纽约市与纽约州的关系紧张。该州经济一度主要依靠水牛城、罗契斯特和雪城等城市的制造业,现在以纽约市为中心的服务业已经取得了支配地位。人口约18,137,000(1997)。
English version:
New York
State (pop., 1997 est.: 18,137,000), eastern U.S. It covers 49,576 sq mi (128,402 sq km); its capital is Albany. The Hudson, St. Lawrence, Delaware, and Niagara rivers all form parts of its boundaries. The Adirondack Mtns. are in the northeast; the Catskills are in the east. Before European colonization, Algonquians (see Algonquian languages) and Iroquois inhabited the area. In 1524 Giovanni Verrazzano visited New York Bay. The 1609 explorations of Henry Hudson and Samuel de Champlain led to settlement. In 1664 the Dutch colony, New Netherland, led by Peter Stuyvesant, surrendered to the British and was renamed New York. The French and Indian War resulted in skirmishes in northern and central New York; its conclusion confirmed English dominance in the region. In the American Revolution, it was the scene of many battles, including those of Ticonderoga and Saratoga, and of Benedict Arnold's treason at West Point. New York adopted the first state constitution (1777). The capital moved from New York City to Albany in 1797. The opening of the Erie Canal in 1825 spurred development of the western part of the state. In the 19th century the growing influence in New York City of Tammany Hall caused tension between the city and the state. The economy was once based largely on manufacturing in cities, including Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse. It is now dominated by service industries, concentrated in New York City.