

更新时间:2023-02-02 15:57:09作者:百科


印度大麻植物(Cannabis sativa),或是用其花、叶晾乾切碎後制成的生药。有效成分是四氢大麻酚(THC)。亦称鼻烟(pot)、茶(grass)、草烟(weed),长期用於镇静和止痛。西元前3世纪就已经在中国使用,西元500年传到欧洲。如今大麻已在全世界广泛使用,但是从1925年「国际鸦片公约」以来大麻的使用一般是违法的。其心理和生理效用,如中度兴奋、视觉和判断力的改变,会随着效力、摄取量、环境以及使用者的经验而变化。长期使用在生理上不会上瘾,但是在心理上有可能略微上瘾。大麻也可在医学上用於治疗青光眼、爱滋病以及化学疗法所出现的副作用。大麻合法化的支持者提出,与酒精相比,大麻是一种良性药物;反对者则认为大麻可以成瘾并可导致吸食更为严重的毒品。哈希什(hashish,一种迷幻药)就来源於大麻的树脂(大麻脂)。


Indian hemp plant ([plant]Cannabis sativa), or the crude drug made of its dried and crushed leaves or flowers. The active ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Also called pot, grass, and weed, the drug has long been used as a sedative or analgesic; it was in use in China by the 3rd millennium BC, and had reached Europe by AD 500. Today it is used worldwide, though it has been generally illegal at least since the International Opium Convention of 1925. Its psychological and physical effects, including mild euphoria and alterations in vision and judgment, vary with strength and amount consumed, the setting, and the user's experience. Chronic use is not physically habit-forming but may be mildly psychologically habit-forming. Marijuana has been shown to be medically therapeutic for patients suffering from glaucoma, AIDS, and the side effects of chemotherapy. Supporters of legalization claim that it is a more benign drug than alcohol; opponents contend that it is addictive and leads to use of more serious drugs. A resin from the plant is the source of hashish.


  • 大麻子汤药学
  • 大麻仁汤药学
  • 大麻仁敷方药学
  • 大麻仁粥药学
  • 大麻子膏药学
  • 大麻子赤小豆汤药学
  • 大麻仁酒药学
  • 大麻仁散药学
  • 大麻子散药学
  • 大麻丸药学