更新时间:2023-02-02 18:25:44作者:百科
南美洲(South America)
English version:
South America
Continent, Western Hemisphere. The world's fourth-largest continent, it is bounded by the Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. It is separated from Antarctica by the Drake Passage and is joined to North America by the Isthmus of Panama. Area: 6,878,000 sq mi (17,814,000 sq km). Pop., 1993 est.: 308,770,000. Four main ethnic groups have populated South America: American Indians, who were the continent's pre-Columbian inhabitants; the Iberians, Spanish, and Portuguese who dominated the continent from the 16th to the early 19th century; the Africans imported as their slaves; and the post-independence immigrants from overseas, mostly Germans and southern Europeans but also Lebanese, South Asians, and Japanese. The people are 90% Christian, with about 85% of those Roman Catholic. Spanish is the official language everywhere except in Brazil (Portuguese), French Guiana (French), Guyana (English), and Suriname (Dutch); some Amerindian languages are spoken. South America has three major geographic regions. In the west, the Andes, which are prone to earthquakes, stretch the entire length of the continent; Mount Aconcagua is the highest peak in the western Hemisphere. Highlands lie in the north and east, bordered by lowland sedimentary basins that include the Amazon River basin, the world's largest drainage basin, and the Pampas of eastern Argentina, whose fertile soils constitute one of South America's most productive agricultural areas. Important river systems include the Amazon and the Orinoco. Four-fifths of South America lies within the tropics; it also has temperate, arid, and cold climatic regions. About 7% of its land is arable, producing mainly corn, wheat, and rice, and about one-fourth is under permanent pasture. About half is covered by forest, mainly the enormous but steadily diminishing Amazon Rain Forest. Almost one-fourth of all the world's known animal species live in the continent's rain forests, plateaus, rivers, and swamps. South America has one-eighth of the world's total deposits of iron and one-fourth of its copper reserves. Exploitation of these and numerous other mineral resources are important in many regions. Commercial crops include bananas, citrus fruits, sugar, and coffee; fishing is important along the Pacific coast. Most countries have free-market or mixed state and private-enterprise economies. Income tends to be unevenly distributed between large numbers of poor people and a small number of wealthy families, with the growing middle classes still a minority in most countries. Asiatic hunters and gatherers are thought to have been its first settlers, probably arriving less than 12,000 years ago. The growth of agriculture c. 2600 BC initiated a period of rapid cultural evolution whose greatest development occurred in the central Andes region and culminated with the Inca empire. European exploration began when Christopher Columbus landed in 1498; Spanish and Portuguese adventurers opened it for settlement. According to terms of the Treaty of Tordesillas, Portugal received the eastern part of the continent, while Spain received the rest. The native peoples were decimated and most of those who survived were reduced to a form of serfdom. The continent was free of European rule by the early 1800s except for the Guianas. Most of the countries adopted a republican form of government; social and economic inequalities or border disputes led to periodic revolutions in many of them. All joined the U.N. after World War II, and all but Guyana joined the Organization of American States in 1948.