

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:04:16作者:百科


约从1860年开始,康德主义在日耳曼大学的复兴。新康德主义首先主要是认识论上的运动,而後缓慢扩展至整个哲学领域。最早推进复兴康德观念的关键力量,来自於自然科学家。亥姆霍兹将生理学对感官(sense)所进行的研究,应用在1781年《纯粹理性批判》(The Critique of Pure Reason)所提出的问题:空间感知在认识论上的重要性。新康德主义在20世纪初期的马堡(Marburg)学派中达於巅峰,其学者保括柯文(Hermann Cohen, 1842~1918)和那托普(Paul Natorp, 1854~1924)。他们拒绝接受亥姆霍慈的自然主义,重新肯定先验方法的重要性。另一位马堡学派的健将卡西雷尔则将康德哲学之原理的影响,带入整个文化现象的领域。文德尔班(Wilhelm Windelband, 1848~1915)和李凯尔特(Heinrich Rickert, 1863~1936)则将康德主义引入历史哲学。新康德主义也影响胡塞尔的现象学和海德格的早期作品。


Revival of Kantianism in German universities that began c. 1860. At first primarily an epistemological movement, Neo-Kantianism slowly extended over the whole domain of philosophy. The first decisive impetus toward reviving Immanuel Kant's ideas came from natural scientists. Hermann von Helmholtz applied physiological studies of the senses to the question of the epistemological significance of spatial perception raised by The Critique of Pure Reason (1781). Neo-Kantianism reached its apex in the early-20th-century Marburg school, which included Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) and Paul Natorp (1854-1924). They repudiated Helmholtz's naturalism and reaffirmed the importance of the transcendental method. Ernst Cassirer, another Marburg-school figure, brought Kantian principles to bear on the whole realm of cultural phenomena. Wilhelm Windelband (1848-1915) and Heinrich Rickert (1863-1936) introduced Kantianism into the philosophy of history. Neo-Kantianism also influenced the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and of the early works of Martin Heidegger.
