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Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
English version:
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
German philosopher. After working as a tutor, he was headmaster of the gymnasium at Nürnberg (1808-16) and then taught principally at the University of Berlin (1818-31). His work, following on that of Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, and F. W. Schelling, marks the pinnacle of post-Kantian German idealism. As an absolute idealist inspired by Christian insights and grounded in his mastery of a vast fund of knowledge, Hegel found a place for everything—logical, natural, human, and divine—in a dialectical scheme that repeatedly swung from thesis to antithesis and back again to a higher and richer synthesis. His panoramic system engaged philosophy in the consideration of all the problems of history and culture, none of which could any longer be deemed foreign to its competence. At the same time, it deprived all the implicated elements and problems of their autonomy, reducing them to symbolic manifestations of the one process, that of the Absolute Spirit's quest for and conquest of its own self. His principal works are Phenomenology of Mind (1807), Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences (1817), and Philosophy of Right (1821). Hegelianism has been as fertile in the reactions it precipitated—in Soren Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, G. E. Moore, and the Vienna Circle—as in its positive impact. Hegel is regarded as the last of the great philosophical system builders.