更新时间:2023-02-02 17:59:20作者:百科
English version:
Placental mammal (order Primates) that originated as a forest-dweller perhaps 97.5 million years ago. Primates are distinguished from other mammals by one or more of the following: unspecialized structure, specialized behavior, short muzzle, poor smell, prehensile five-digit hands and feet, flat nails, no claws, depth perception with acute vision that is binocular to some degree, forward-facing eyes, large brain, and prolonged pre- and postnatal development. Most species bear a single young and live in troops headed by a male. The prosimians include eight families: lemurs (Lemuridae, Indriidae, Cheirogaleidae, Megaladapidae), the aye-aye (Daubentoniidae), galagos (Galagonidae), and lorises (Loridae), tarsiers (Tarsiidae). The anthropoids (a a group called the Catarrhini) include nine families: New World monkeys (families Callitrichidae, Cebidae, Aotidae, Atelidae, and Pitheciidae), Old World monkeys (Cercopithecidae), the lesser apes (Hylobatidae), the great apes (Pongidae), and humans (Hominidae). The great apes are sometimes classified with humans in Hominidae.