更新时间:2023-02-02 17:54:06作者:百科
Borges, Jorge Luis
阿根廷诗人、散文家与短篇小说家。家学渊源,在瑞士受教育,很早就知道将来会走上文学之路。1920年代开始得了遗传性的失明症,视力逐渐减退。1921年回国,1938年头部受重伤感染,似乎释放了他心灵最深处的创作力。1950年代完全失明,迫使他放弃撰写长篇文章,开始靠口述写些短篇作品。1955年起任阿根廷国家图书馆的荣誉馆长。大部分作品想像力十分丰富,以文笔讽刺现实,其中包括:故事集《伪装》(Ficciones, 1944),为他赢得国际声誉,以及《阿莱夫》(The Aleph, 1949)小说集。他在国内名气不大,直到1961年获国际性的福门托奖之後,他的小说和诗歌才开始被誉为20世纪世界文学的经典着作。其他重要作品有《交叉小径的花园》(1960)、《布罗迪埃的报告》(1967)等。他被奉为建立南美洲现代极端主义运动的祖师,这是反「九八年一代」作家们颓废作风的一派,但後来他并不承认。
English version:
Borges, Jorge Luis
Argentine poet, essayist, and short-story writer. Educated in Switzerland, he recognized early that he would have a literary career. From the 1920s on he was afflicted by a growing hereditary blindness. In 1938 a severe head wound seemed to free his deepest creative forces. His blindness was total by the mid-1950s and forced him to abandon the writing of long texts and begin dictating his works. From 1955 he held the honorary post of director of Argentina's national library. Much of his work is rich in fantasy and metaphorical allegory, including the story collections Ficciones (1944), which won him an international following, and The Aleph (1949). Dreamtigers (1960) and The Book of Imaginary Beings (1967) almost erase the distinctions between prose and poetry. Though he later repudiated it, he is credited with establishing in South America the modernist Ultraist movement, a rebellion against the decadence of the established writers of the Generation of '98.