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盎格鲁-撒克逊艺术(Anglo-Saxon art)
约自7世纪至1066年诺曼征服(Norman Conquest)期间,产生於英国的手抄本装饰画与建筑。9世纪以前,手抄本装饰画为英国的主要艺术。有两个装饰画派︰坎特伯里画派,影响较小,作品承袭罗马传教士古典传统作风;诺森伯里亚画派,影响较广,受爱尔兰修道院学术复兴运动的鼓舞。爱尔兰修士带来了古代塞尔特曲线形(涡卷形、螺旋形以及双曲线或盾形图式)装饰传统,这一传统跟当地的盎格鲁-撒克逊异教金属制品的抽象装饰(其特徵主要为明快的设色和动物形的交织纹样)结合起来。在9世纪丹麦人入侵、破坏後,修道院被修复,对建筑的兴趣重又浓厚起来。这股建筑风潮(包括小教堂)受欧陆建筑的影响很深,特别是诺曼-法兰西建筑(如约建於1045~1050年的原始西敏寺〔Westminster Abbey〕,1245年重建)。修道院的复兴促成书籍的大量生产以及10世纪後半期所谓温彻斯特手抄本装饰学派的繁荣。亦请参阅Hiberno-Saxon style。
English version:
Anglo-Saxon art
Painting, sculpture, and architecture produced in Britain from the late 5th century to the Norman Conquest. Before the 9th century, manuscript illumination was the predominant art form, with two schools: Canterbury produced works in the classical tradition brought by Roman missionaries; a more influential school in Northumbria produced works inspired by the revival of learning encouraged by Irish missionaries. The curvilinear forms, spirals, and interlaced patterns of the Celtic tradition brought by Irish monks were integrated with the abstract ornamentation and bright colors of the Anglo-Saxon metalwork tradition. After the destruction of the 9th-century Danish invasions, the monasteries were revived and interest in architecture developed. Building activity consisted of small churches influenced by continental types, notably from Norman France (e.g., the original Westminster Abbey, c. 1045-50, rebuilt 1245). The monastic revival resulted in the production of many books and the formation of the Winchester school of illumination (late 10th century). See also Hiberno-Saxon art.