

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:08:32作者:百科


正式名称委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国(Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)


原住民已在委内瑞拉居住了几千年。1498年哥伦布发现委内瑞拉海岸。次年,西班牙探险者奥赫达、韦斯普奇和科萨等人沿海岸探测。约1520年西班牙传教团在库马纳建立第一个欧洲人殖民地。1718年被纳入新格拉纳达总督辖区,1731年设有一个司令官。後来米兰达和玻利瓦尔率领委内瑞拉克里奥尔人,首先发动了南美洲的独立运动。1811年委内瑞拉就宣布脱离西班牙独立,但一直到1821年情况才确定下来。1830年起委内瑞拉先後由许多军事独裁者统治,直到1958年希梅内斯(M. P. Jimenez)被推翻为止。1961年颁布新宪法,象徵民主的开始。为石油输出国家组织创始会员之一,1970年代石油工业带来了经济繁荣,而其经济也十分依赖全世界的石油市场。1999年夏维兹政府颁布一部新宪法,同年在首都附近发生一场暴风雨,造成好几千人丧生。


Country, northern South America. Area: 352,144 sq mi (912,050 sq km). Population (2000 est.): 24,170,000. Capital: Caracas. More than two-thirds of the population is of mulatto-mestizo ancestry, followed by whites (about one-fifth), blacks (one-tenth), and Indians. Languages: Spanish (official), some 25 Indian languages. Religions: Roman Catholicism; some Protestantism. Currency: bolívar. Mountain ranges and plains dominate Venezuela's geography. In the west, a northeastern spur of the Andes rises to Pico Bolívar. The Llanos (plains) occupy one-third of the country's central region. The Orinoco River system covers almost the entire country and has an extensive and thickly wooded delta. The highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls, is in Venezuela. Lakes include Maracaibo and Valencia. Principal mineral resources are petroleum and natural gas. Other mineral reserves include iron, bauxite, gold, and diamonds. Industries include steel, chemicals, textiles, and oil refining. Agricultural products, notably sugar, coffee, corn (maize), bananas, and cacao, are important. It is a republic with a unicameral legislature; its head of state and government is the president. Venezuela has been inhabited by indigenous peoples for millennia. In 1498 Christopher Columbus sighted it; in 1499 the navigators Alonso de Ojeda, Amerigo Vespucci, and Juan de la Cosa traced the coast. A Spanish missionary established the first European settlement at Cumana c. 1520. In 1718 it was included in the viceroyalty of New Granada and was made a captaincy general in 1731. Venezuelan Creoles led by Francisco de Miranda and Simón Bolívar spearheaded the South American independence movement, and though Venezuela declared independence from Spain in 1811, it was not assured until 1821. Military dictators generally ruled the country from 1830 until the overthrow of Marcos Pérez Jiménez in 1958. A new constitution adopted in 1961 marked the beginning of democracy. As a founding member of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), it enjoyed relative economic prosperity from oil production during the 1970s, and its economy has remained dependent on the world petroleum market. The government of Hugo Chavez promulgated a new constitution in 1999, the year in which a devastating rainstorm killed thousands in and around Caracas.


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