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Grant, Ulysses S.,原名为Hiram Ulysses Grant。
美国将军、第十八任总统(1869~1877)。墨西哥战争中在泰勒(Z. Taylor)麾下服役,1854年因无法带全家移居西部而退职。他在西部的孤单日子中酗酒的传闻影响了他的声誉,虽然此谣言从未被证实过。曾在密苏里州经营农场以及在伊利诺州父亲开办的皮革制品商店工作,但不甚成功。美国南北战争(1861)爆发时晋升为准将,1862年攻占田纳西州唐奈尔森堡(Fort Donelson),为联邦军的第一次主要胜利。他在塞罗(Shiloh)击退美利坚邦联军队的突袭,但因联邦军伤亡惨重而受到批评。1863年策画在密苏里州的维克斯堡战役将美利坚邦联军队从中分为东西两半。随着1864年查塔诺加战役胜利,他被任命为联邦军司令。当雪曼进军乔治亚州时,格兰特进攻李将军在维吉尼亚州的军队,让这场战争在1865年画下句点。格兰特的管理能力和创新的策略是联邦军获胜的主要因素。後代表共和党竞选总统成功,成为当时史上最年轻(四十六岁)的总统。行政上并无多大建树,加上内阁阁员涉入政治丑闻,包括信贷公司丑闻和威士忌酒集团,是他两任任期中的瑕疵;但在国务卿费希(H. Fish)的帮助下,他在外交方面较为成功。他支持赦免美利坚邦联军队将领和保护黑人公民权;他否决了一项增加合法货币的法案(1874),因而减低了往後二十五年间发生通货危机的可能性。1881年移居纽约,由於儿子开设的投资公司因合夥人蓄意诈骗,家庭陷入贫困。他的回忆录由友人马克吐温出版。
English version:
Grant, Ulysses S.
U.S. general and 18th president of the U.S. (1869-77). Born in Point Pleasant, Ohio, he served in the Mexican War under Zachary Taylor; he resigned his commission in 1854 when he could not afford to bring his family west. Allegations that he became a drunkard in the lonely years in the West and in later life, though never proved, would affect his reputation. He worked unsuccessfully at farming in Missouri and at his family's leather business in Illinois. When the American Civil War began (1861), he was appointed brigadier general; his 1862 attack on Fort Donelson, Tenn., produced the first major Union victory. He drove off a Confederate attack at Shiloh but was criticized for heavy Union losses. He devised the campaign to take the stronghold of Vicksburg, Miss., in 1863, cutting the Confederacy in half from east to west. Following his victory at the Battle of Chattanooga in 1864, he was appointed commander of the Union army. While William T. Sherman made his famous march across Georgia, Grant attacked Robert E. Lee's forces in Virginia, bringing the war to an end in 1865. Grant's administrative ability and innovative strategies were largely responsible for the Union victory. His successful Republican presidential campaign made him, at 46, the youngest man yet elected president. His two terms were marred by administrative inaction and political scandal involving members of his cabinet, including the Crédit Mobilier scandal and the Whiskey Ring operation. He was more successful in foreign affairs, in which he was aided by his secretary of state, Hamilton Fish. He supported amnesty for Confederate leaders and protection for black civil rights. His veto of a bill to increase the amount of legal tender (1874) diminished the currency crisis in the next 25 years. In 1881 he moved to New York; when a partner defrauded an investment firm co-owned by his son, the family was impoverished. His memoirs were published by his friend Mark Twain.