

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:03:13作者:百科


向付钱的顾客提供茶点或正餐的场所。虽然多少世纪以来,小旅馆和小饭店一直向过路人提供简单的食品,然而,第一家可以让顾客根据菜单点菜的餐馆据说属於卖肉汤的商人布朗热。1765年他在巴黎开店,招牌上写的就是restoratives或restaurant,指的是他的各类肉汤。到1804年巴黎已有五百多家餐馆,法国也立即以它的烹调技术享誉国际。其他的欧洲餐馆包括义大利的trattorie(小酒店),是以当地的特色名吃为特点的小饭店;德国的Weinstuben(酒馆),是非正规的餐馆,经营各种酒类;西班牙的tapas(酒吧),提供各种开胃小吃;还有英格兰的酒店。亚洲的餐馆有日本的清酒酒吧和提供正式的怀石料理的茶馆,还有中国的面馆。大多数美国餐馆处在不断创新中。1849年旧金山淘金热时出现了自助式餐馆,其特点是自我服务,并在柜台上摆出许多种食物。美国也是速食业的先驱,如怀特堡(建於1921)和麦当劳(参阅Kroc, Ray),通常采取连锁经营,提供有限的功能表。


Establishment where refreshments or meals are served to paying guests. Though inns and taverns served simple fare to travelers for centuries, the first modern restaurant where guests could order from a varied menu is thought to have belonged to A. Boulanger, a soup vendor who opened his business in Paris in 1765. The sign above his door advertised restoratives, or restaurants, referring to his soups and broths. By 1804 Paris had more than 500 restaurants, and France soon became internationally famous for its cuisine. Other European restaurants include the Italian trattorie, taverns featuring local specialties; the German Weinstuben, informal restaurants with a large wine selection; the Spanish tapas bars, which serve a wide variety of appetizers; and the public houses of England. Asian restaurants include the Japanese sushi bars and teahouses serving formal Kaiseki cuisine as well as the noodle shops of China. Most U.S. restaurant innovations have revolved around speed. The cafeteria originated in San Francisco during the 1849 gold rush; cafeterias feature self-service and offer a variety of foods displayed on counters. The U.S. also pioneered fast-food restaurants such as White Castle (founded 1921) and McDonald's (see Ray Kroc), usually operated as chains and offering limited menus.


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