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Gould, Jay,原名Jason Gould。
美国铁路公司总经理、投机者,靠肆无忌惮的掠夺而致富的「强盗大亨」。最初当勘测员,继而经营一家制革厂,1859年起对小铁路的证券进行投机买卖,1867年成为伊利铁路的一名董事。他和德鲁(D. Drew)、菲斯克(J. Fisk)联手以防止范德比尔特(C. Vanderbilt)夺去他们对该铁路的控制,并向纽约州议员大量行贿以使虚股的发售得到法律认可。他和菲斯克又与特威德(W. M. Tweed)联手利用股票进一步投机获取暴利。1869年他们企图垄断黄金市场,导致灾难性的「黑色星期五」恐慌。1872年由於公众的强烈抗议,古尔德终於被迫放弃对伊利铁路的控制权,其时古尔德已拥有2,500万美元的财富。1874年获得联合太平洋铁路公司的控制权,到1881年他已拥有全美国铁路总长的15%。其後他将联合太平洋铁路股票出售,转投资於圣路易西南部的一个铁路系统,到1890年拥有该地区铁路总长之半。此外,他在1881年取得西部联合电报公司的控制权,1879~1883年是纽约《世界报》的所有人,1886年买下曼哈顿高架铁路。古尔德一向冷酷无情,没有朋友,直到去世。
English version:
Gould, Jay
U.S. railroad executive, speculator, and unscrupulous robber baron. Born in Roxbury, N.Y., he first worked as a surveyor, then bought a tannery, and by 1859 was speculating in the stocks of small railways. In 1867 he became a director of the Erie Railroad and joined with Daniel Drew and James Fisk to keep Cornelius Vanderbilt from buying control of the railroad. He bribed New York legislators to legalize the sale of watered stock. He and Fisk joined with William Marcy Tweed to profit from further stock manipulations. In 1869 they attempted to corner the gold market, causing the Black Friday panic. In 1872 public outcry forced Gould to cede control of the Erie. With a fortune of $25 million he controlled the Union Pacific by 1874, and by 1881 he owned 15% of all U.S. rail mileage. He sold his Union Pacific stock to amass a rail system southwest of St. Louis that by 1890 included half the region's rail mileage. He gained control of Western Union (1881), owned the New York World (1879-83) and the Manhattan Elevated Railroad (1886), and remained ruthless to the end.