

更新时间:2023-02-02 16:09:40作者:百科


供编纂为圣经的任何原创性口头或书面材料。在许多圣经书籍的作者身分不明或使用假名的情况下,学者利用内部的证据和圣经评论工具来认定原文并依写作时间排序。「摩西五经」有四种原文:J 典(原文中称上帝为雅赫维〔YHWH〕,德文作JHVH)、E典(原文中称上帝为埃洛辛〔Elohim〕)、D典(体例与〈申命记〉相似)、P典(祭司风格和内容的原文)。从《旧约》中也确认出亡佚书籍的部分,《新约》原文包括原创的文字和口头传述。最早的三〈福音书〉具有共同的出处,〈马太福音〉与〈路加福音〉奠基於〈马可福音〉和称为Q来源的亡佚原文,〈约翰福音〉则是另一个独立的传统。人们研究圣经原文以揭露经文的历史,并且尽量回复原本的内容。学者也分析圣经原文,以重建背後的口头传述。

biblical source

Any of the original oral or written materials compiled as the Bible. While authorship of many biblical books is anonymous or pseudonymous, scholars have used internal evidence and the tools of biblical criticism to identify sources and arrange them in chronological order of composition. There are four sources for the Pentateuch: J (sources in which God is called YHWH, German JHVH), eastern (sources in which God is called Elohim), D (sources in the style of Deuteronomy), and P (for sources with priestly style and content). Parts of lost books have also been identified in the Old Testament. New Testament sources include original writings and oral traditions. The first three (synoptic) Gospels have a common source, Matthew and Luke being based on Mark and a lost source called Q; John conveys an independent tradition. Biblical sources are studied to uncover the history of the scriptures and to restore texts as closely as possible to their original content. Scholars may also analyze biblical sources in an effort to reconstruct the oral tradition behind them.
