更新时间:2023-02-02 16:07:05作者:百科
在基督教中,指上帝之子,三位一体的第二位。基督教教义认为他被钉死於十字架和复活,是替人类所犯的罪受罚。在《新约》的四卷〈福音书〉中详述了他的生平事迹。耶稣出生於伯利恒的犹太人家庭,时间在西元前4年犹太国王希律去世之前,而死於罗马的犹太总督彼拉多在位时期(28~30)。他的母亲玛利亚嫁给拿撒勒的木匠约瑟(参阅Joseph, Saint)。〈马太福音〉和〈路加福音〉中对他出生後的童年时期描述甚少,仅曾提到他和双亲造访过耶路撒冷。他原本为木匠,约三十岁才开始他的宗教事业,成为一个传教者、老师和医治者。耶稣在加利利地区广收门徒(包括十二个使徒),并宣传上帝之国即将来临。他的道德教义在〈登山宝训〉可见其梗概,而他讲述的神蹟吸引了越来越多的信徒,他们相信耶稣就是上帝所应许的弥赛亚。他在逾越节时进入耶路撒冷,与他的使徒们共进了最後晚餐後,被犹大出卖,给罗马当局通风报信。耶稣因而被捕、受审,以政治煽动者的罪名被判处死刑,他被钉死於十字架上,之後埋葬。三天後,有人到他的坟上探看,结果发现是空的。根据〈福音书〉的说法,他在升天之前曾几次在门徒面前显灵。
English version:
In Christianity, the son of God and the second person of the Holy Trinity. Christian doctrine holds that by his crucifixion and resurrection he paid for the sins of all mankind. His life and ministry are recounted in the four Gospels of the New Testament. He was born a Jew in Bethlehem before the death of Herod the Great in 4 BC, and he died while Pontius Pilate was Roman governor of Judaea (AD 28-30). His mother, Mary, was married to Joseph, a carpenter of Nazareth (see St. Joseph). Of his childhood after the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke, nothing is known, except for one visit to Jerusalem with his parents. He was a carpenter until he began his ministry about age 30, becoming a preacher, teacher, and healer. He gathered disciples in the region of Galilee, including the 12 Apostles, and preached the coming of the Kingdom of God. His moral teachings, outlined in the Sermon on the Mount, and his reported miracles won him a growing number of followers, who believed that he was the promised messiah. On Passover he entered Jerusalem, where he shared the Last Supper with his disciples and was betrayed to the Roman authorities by Judas Iscariot. Arrested and tried, he was condemned to death as a political agitator and was crucified and buried. Three days later visitors to his tomb found it empty. According to the Gospels, he appeared several times to his disciples before ascending into heaven.