更新时间:2023-02-02 16:04:58作者:百科
Graham, Martha
美国舞者、教师和编舞家,现代舞主要的代表人物。1916年在丹尼斯萧恩(Denishawn)舞蹈学校和舞团跟随萧恩(T. Shawn)学习,1923年离开丹尼斯萧恩到纽约,在那里成立她自己的学校(1927)和舞团(1929)。由她编舞的作品超过160部,创造出独特的「舞剧」,使用各种题材表达人的激情与矛盾冲突,其中许多是以美国生活为题材,例如《阿帕拉契之春》(1944);其他作品有《原始的神秘事物》(1931)、《悔罪者》(1940)、《给世界的信》(1940)、《心之洞》(1946)、《克莱顿尼斯卓》(1958)、《菲德拉》(1962)和《湿壁画》(1978)。曾与音乐指挥霍斯特(L. Horst)及野口勇长期合作,後者多次为她设计舞台布景。她在1970年宣布告别舞台,但继续从事舞蹈创作和教学。她的舞蹈技巧是异於古典芭蕾的第一种重要的形式,经由编舞和教学,她的影响遍及世界各地。
English version:
Graham, Martha
U.S. dancer, teacher, choreographer, and foremost exponent of modern dance. Born in Pittsburgh, she trained from 1916 under Ted Shawn at the Denishawn school. She left in 1923 for New York, where she founded her own school in 1927 and a performing company in 1929. She choreographed over 160 works, creating unique “dance plays” and using a variety of themes to express emotion and conflict. Many are based on American themes, including Appalachian Spring (1944); other works include Primitive Mysteries (1931), El Penitente (1940), Letter to the World (1940), Cave of the Heart (1946), Clytemnestra (1958), Phaedra (1962), and Frescoes (1978). She collaborated for many years with Louis Horst, her musical director, and with Isamu Noguchi, who designed many of her sets. She retired from dancing in 1970 but continued to teach and choreograph. Her technique became the first significant alternative to classical ballet, and her influence extended worldwide through her choreography and her students.