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Wittgenstein, Ludwig (Josef Johann)
English version:
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (Josef Johann)
Austrian-British philosopher, one of the most influential figures in 20th-century philosophy. The son of an immensely wealthy and cultivated Viennese industrialist, he studied mechanical engineering in Berlin and Manchester. The works of Bertrand Russell led to his increasing interest in mathematics, and he later studied under Russell at Cambridge (1912-13). He produced two original and influential systems of philosophical thought, his logical theories and later his philosophy of language. He served in the Austrian army in World War I, and completed his great Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus in a prisoner-of-war camp. It dealt with the question of how language expresses meaning; his solution was that a sentence that says something (a proposition) must be “a picture of reality.” It exerted great influence on the Vienna Circle and the school of logical positivism. Thereafter, he gave away all of his fortune and worked in an odd variety of jobs, before returning to Cambridge as a fellow in 1929. Through his lectures and the wide circulation of notes taken by his students, he came to exert a powerful influence on English-language philosophy. Philosophical Investigations (1953) crowned this second period of activity, in which he strove to show how language is linked to actions and reactions, with the aim of demonstrating that its significance is due not to an intangible realm of mind but to the human forms of life in which it plays a role. Several other works were edited posthumously. See also analytic philosophy.