

更新时间:2023-02-02 19:11:27作者:百科


Augustine (of Hippo), St.

天主教神学家。出生於罗马治下的北非。他信奉摩尼教,在迦太基教授修辞学,育有一子。移居米兰以後,受圣安布罗斯(St. Ambrose)的影响改信天主教,并於387年由圣安布罗斯施洗礼。後来回到非洲开始过着寺院生涯,396年担任希波(今阿尔及利亚安纳巴〔Annaba〕)主教直至430年辞世,当时该城处於汪达尔人军队包围之下。最着名的着作包括探讨上帝恩典的自传《忏悔录》(Confessions)和探讨基督教在历史上地位的《上帝之城》(The City of God)。他的神学着作《基督教义》(On Christian)和《论三位一体》(On Trinity)也广泛流传。他的布道和书信显示了受新柏拉图主义的影响,并同摩尼教、多纳图斯派和贝拉基主义的支持者论战。他的宿命观影响了後来的神学家,尤其是喀尔文。中世纪早期被尊为教会导师。


Augustine (of Hippo), St.

Roman Catholic theologian. Born in Roman North Africa, he adopted Manichaeism, taught rhetoric in Carthage, and fathered a son. After moving to Milan he was converted to Christianity under the influence of St. Ambrose, who baptized him in 387. He returned to Africa to pursue a contemplative life, and in 396 he became bishop of Hippo (now Annaba, Algeria), a post he held until his death in 430, while the city was under siege by a Vandal army. His best-known works include the Confessions, an autobiographical meditation on God's grace, and The City of God, on the place of Christianity in history. His theological works On Christian Doctrine and On the Trinity are also widely read. His sermons and letters show the influence of Neoplatonism and carry on debates with the proponents of Manichaeism, Donatism, and Pelagianism. His views on predestination influenced later theologians, notably John Calvin. He was declared a Doctor of the Church in the early Middle Ages.
