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Eddy, Mary Baker,原名Mary Morse Baker。
美国宗教领袖、基督教科学派(Christian Science)创立人,生於新罕布夏州(New Hampshire)康科特(Concord)近郊,1843年成婚,但夫婿隔年即辞世,1853年再婚。爱迪终生为疾病所苦。1860年代早期,她因脊椎患病求医,遇见了昆比(Phineas P. Quimby, 1802~1866),昆比竟不用药物就为她医好疾病,但好景不常,昆比死後她即旧病复发,1866年又严重跌伤,对康复完全不抱任何希望,仅藉由阅读《新约全书》来疗伤止痛。她认为就在这段时期她发现了基督教科学,遂花了许多年研究。1875年出版了《科学与健康》(Science and Health),被追随者视为极具启发性。爱迪於1873年离婚,1877年下嫁一位追随者爱迪(Asa G. Eddy, 1882年辞世)。1879年她在波士顿成立基督教科学第一教会(First Church of Christ, Scientist),两年後又开办麻州玄学学院(Massachusetts Metaphysical College)。她共创办了三种杂志,其中最有名的是1908年创办的《基督教科学箴言报》(Christian Science Monitor)。
English version:
Eddy, Mary Baker
U.S. religious leader, founder of Christian Science. Born near Concord, N.H., she married in 1843; her husband died the following year, and she married again in 1853. She suffered from ill health for much of her life. In the early 1860s she was cured of a spinal malady by Phineas P. Quimby (1802-1866), who cured ailments without medication. She remained well until shortly after Quimby's death; in 1866 she suffered a severe fall and lost hope for recovery, only to be healed by reading the New Testament. She considered that moment her discovery of Christian Science and spent several years evolving her system. In 1875 she published Science and Health, which her followers regarded as divinely inspired. Having divorced in 1873, in 1877 she married one of her followers, Asa G. Eddy (died 1882). The First Church of Christ, Scientist was organized in 1879. Eddy established the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in 1881; she also founded three periodicals, notably the Christian Science Monitor (1908).