

更新时间:2023-02-02 19:03:09作者:百科


旧称波希米亚语(Bohemian language)。

西斯拉夫语支语言,通行於波希米亚、摩拉维亚和西里西亚等历史区(现在全都属捷克共和国),约一千两百万人;以及各地移民区,包括北美洲可能近一百万人操此语言。最早的古捷克语文字记载可追溯到13世纪末。捷克语的独特拼字系统是在15世纪初发展出来的,并与宗教改革家胡斯有关;它把读音加进拉丁字母中,以表示子音(不存在於拉丁语)和标明母音长度。此一系统後来为其他使用拉丁字母拼音的斯拉夫诸语言所采用,如斯洛伐克语、斯洛维尼亚语和克罗埃西亚语(参阅Serbo-Croatian language)。19世纪初当捷克语以一种文学语言形式复兴时,多布罗夫斯基大部分依据16世纪的捷克语(以《克拉利茨圣经》〔1579~1593〕)为基准来编纂语言辞典,这是一部权威性译作。结果造成标准捷克语(文学语言)和普通捷克语(口语语言)之间的巨大鸿沟,须靠一些过渡音来连接它们。

Czech language

West Slavic language spoken by close to 12 million people in the historical regions of Bohemia, Moravia, and southwestern Silesia, all now in the Czech Republic, and in emigré communities, including perhaps close to a million speakers in North America. The earliest Old Czech texts date from the late 13th century. The distinctive orthographic system of Czech, which adds diacritics to letters of the Latin alphabet to denote consonants that did not exist in Latin and to mark vowel length, was introduced in the early 15th century and is associated with the religious reformer Jan Hus. The system was later adopted by other Slavic languages using the Latin alphabet, including Slovak, Slovene, and Croatian (see Serbian and Croatian language). When Czech was revived as a literary language in the early 19th century, Josef Dobrovsky based his codification of the language largely on the norms of 16th-century Czech, as exemplified in the Kralice Bible (1579-93), an authoritative translation. This decision has resulted in a wide gulf between Standard Czech, the literary language, and Common Czech, the spoken language, with several transitional registers bridging them.
