更新时间:2023-02-02 19:02:52作者:百科
安纳托利亚诸语言(Anatolian languages),亦称小亚细亚诸语言。印欧语系的一支,西元前2000~西元前1000年在安纳托利亚广泛使用。安纳托利亚诸语言包括希提语(西台语)、巴莱语(Palaic)、卢维语(Luwian)、象形文字卢维语(Hieroglyphic Luwian)、里底亚语(Lydian)、吕西亚语(Lycian)。西台语是目前证实的这些语族中最丰富的一种,主要是从1905年在哈图沙(Hattu?a,今博阿兹柯伊〔Bo?azk?y〕,土耳其中北部)出土的楔形文字泥板文献中发现的,这里曾是西台帝国的首都,西台文字可溯源至西元前16世纪~西元前13世纪。到了罗马帝国末年、拜占庭时期初年,安纳托利亚诸语言全部都消失。古安纳托利亚的一些非印欧语系语言(全从楔形文字泥板文献中得知)有时也被认作安纳托利亚诸语言,如哈梯语(Hattic),在西台人还未到时流行於安纳托利亚中部,从西台语文献中所保存的文字中可得知;胡里语(Hurrian),流行於西元前第二千纪的北部美索不达米亚和安纳托利亚东南部;乌拉尔图语(Urartian),从西元前9世纪~西元前7世纪的西北部安纳托利亚文献中得知。
English version:
Anatolian languages
Branch of the Indo-European language family spoken in Anatolia in the 2nd-1st millennium BC. The attested Anatolian languages are Hittite, Palaic, Luwian (Luvian), Hieroglyphic Luwian, Lycian, and Lydian. Hittite, by far the most copiously attested of the group, is known chiefly from a vast archive of cuneiform tablets found in 1905 at Hattu&shacek;a (now Boğazk?y, in northern central Turkey), the capital of the Hittite Empire; Hittite texts date from the 16th-13th century BC. By the late Roman or early Byzantine period at the latest, Anatolian languages had all become extinct. Several non-Indo-European languages of ancient Anatolia, all known from cuneiform texts, are also sometimes considered Anatolian languages: Hattic, spoken in central Anatolia before the coming of the Hittites and known solely from words and texts preserved by Hittite scribes; Hurrian, spoken in the 2nd millennium BC in northern Mesopotamia and southeastern Anatolia; and Urartian (Urartean), known from northwestern Anatolian texts of the 9th-7th century BC.