

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:58:09作者:百科



希腊哲学家,古希腊三大哲学家(还有柏拉图、亚里斯多德)中的第一位,他为西方文化奠立哲学方面的基础。由於苏格拉底没有着作,关於其人格和教条的资讯主要见於柏拉图的《对话录》和色诺芬的《回忆录》。生活於伯罗奔尼撒战争的混乱时期,道德价值沦丧,苏格拉底觉得必须出面撑起生活的道德面,做法是劝人「认识自己」和探索美德的根本。参与战斗後,他在雅典立法会议中服务。他生活在贫穷中,身体力行自己的道德教化。他的教学方法大致包含了询问尖锐问题,逐渐让学生毫无根据的假设和错误观念无所遁形(苏格拉底法)。拥戴他的学生,包括柏拉图、亚西比德和克里蒂亚斯(约西元前480~西元前403年),有许多是雅典的精英。当亚西比德成为叛徒而克里蒂亚斯加入斯巴达所立的Thirty Tyrants时,苏格拉底受到许多人谴责,包括亚里斯多芬。被控对神不敬和腐化雅典青年,西元前399年他被判死刑;柏拉图的《斐多篇》描述了他的末日,还有他服从判决所表现出来的尊严。苏格拉底影响了所谓的「小苏格拉底派」(包括犬儒学派、昔兰尼学派、麦加拉学派),但他的影响力主要经由柏拉图而在往後岁月开花结果。



Greek philosopher, first of the great trio of ancient Greeks (with Plato and Aristotle) who laid the philosophical foundations of Western culture. Since Socrates wrote nothing, information about his personality and doctrine is found chiefly in Plato's dialogues and Xenophon's Memorabilia. Living during the chaos of the Peloponnesian War, with its erosion of moral values, Socrates felt called to shore up the ethical dimensions of life by the admonition “know thyself” and by exploring the essence of virtue. After fighting in the war, he served in the Athenian boule. He lived in poverty, exemplifying his own moral teachings. His teaching method consisted largely of asking probing questions, which cumulatively revealed the students' unsupported assumptions and misconceptions (the “Socratic method”). The students who flocked to him, including Plato, Alcibiades, and Critias (c. 480-403 BC), were many of the finest in Athens. When Alcibiades became a traitor and Critias joined the Sparta-imposed Thirty Tyrants, Socrates was decried by many, including Aristophanes. Accused of impiety and of corrupting the Athenian youth, he was condemned to death in 399 BC; Plato's Phaedo recounts his last day and the dignity with which he submitted to his sentence. Socrates influenced those now known as the “minor Socratics” (including the Cynics, the Cyrenaics, and the Megarian school), but it was mainly through his influence on Plato that his efforts bore their full fruit for subsequent ages.
