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James I
苏格兰国王(1567~1625,称詹姆斯六世)和英格兰斯图亚特王朝第一代国王(1603~1625)。1567年起统治苏格兰,称詹姆斯六世。为苏格兰女王玛丽和达恩里勳爵的独生子,一岁就继承玛丽的苏格兰王位,由大贵族相继摄政,成为相互斗争的阴谋家--天主教派(他们想让他的母亲复辟)和新教教派--手中的傀儡。1583年才开始亲政,他竭力与英格兰保持良好关系。伊莉莎白一世死後,他以亨利七世的玄孙资格继承了英格兰王位。他很快就结束与西班牙的战争(1604),取得和平及繁荣。1604年1月主持了汉普顿宫会议,拒绝了清教徒所提的改革圣公会的要求,但同意重新翻译《圣经》,即後来的詹姆斯钦定本《圣经》。他因偏袒天主教而导致火药阴谋。1611~1621年逐渐专制,常与日趋强硬的国会发生冲突,并导致他解散国会。大臣塞西尔(Robert Cecil,即索尔斯伯利伯爵)死後,朝政落入一些无能的宠臣手中。
English version:
James I
King of Scotland, as James VI (1567-1625), and first Stuart king of England (1603-25). Son of Mary, Queen of Scots, and Lord Darnley, at age 1 James succeeded his mother to the Scottish throne. Controlled by a succession of regents, he became the puppet of contending intriguers—both Roman Catholics, who sought to bring his mother back to the throne, and Protestants. In 1583 he began to pursue his own policies as king, allying himself with England. He succeeded to the English throne on the death of Elizabeth I, as great-great-grandson of Henry VII. He quickly achieved peace and prosperity by ending England's war with Spain (1604). He presided over the Hampton Court Conference (1604), rejecting most of the Puritans' demands for reform of the Church of England but permitting preparation of a new translation of the Bible, the King James Version. His policies toward Catholics led to the Gunpowder Plot. His growing belief in royal absolutism and his conflicts with an increasingly self-assertive Parliament led to his dissolution of Parliament from 1611 to 1621. With the death of Robert Cecil, he came under the influence of incompetent favorites.