更新时间:2023-02-02 15:59:38作者:百科
操苏语诸语言的北美大平原印第安民族(参阅Plains Indian),主要由桑蒂人(东苏人)、扬克顿人以及特顿人(西苏人)组成,其下再分成较小的分支(如黑脚人和奥加拉拉人)。17世纪,苏人主要居住在苏必略湖周围地区,但奥吉布瓦人的攻击将他们逐往明尼苏达西部。他们逐渐适应了平原的生活,狩猎野牛,住在圆锥帐篷里,重视战争中的勇猛,跳太阳舞。苏人女子很擅长箭猪刺和念珠编织。苏人在1862年极力抵制白人的袭击,白人违反条约,使桑蒂人在小乌鸦领导下展开起义,落败後被迫西迁至达科他州和内布拉斯加州的居留地。美国军队和扬克顿人以及特顿人之间的激烈战争在1876年的小大角河战役中达到顶峰。1890年代,鬼舞道门鼓励很多苏人拿起武器,导致了伤膝大屠杀。现在,苏人的数量只有75,000,主要居住在北达科他州、南达科他州、蒙大拿州及内布拉斯加州等地的居留地内。亦请参阅Sitting Bull。
English version:
Group of Plains Indian peoples of Siouan language stock comprising the Santee (Eastern Sioux), Yankton, and Teton (Western Sioux), each of which in turn had lesser divisions (e.g., Blackfoot, Oglala). In the 17th century the Sioux lived in the area around Lake Superior, but attacks from the Ojibwa drove them west into Minnesota. They adopted a Plains way of life, hunting buffalo, living in tepees, emphasizing valor in warfare, and practicing the sun dance. Sioux women were skilled at porcupine-quill and bead embroidery. The Sioux were resolute in resisting white incursions. In 1862, white treaty violations led the Santee to mount a bloody uprising under Little Crow; after their defeat, they were forced onto reservations in South Dakota and Nebraska. Serious fighting between U.S. troops and the Yankton and Teton Sioux in the 1860s and 1870s culminated in the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876, a great Indian victory. Eventually, however, the Sioux surrendered and were forced onto reservations. In 1890 the Ghost Dance religion inspired many Sioux to take up arms, leading to the massacre at Wounded Knee. Today the Sioux number about 75,000; most live on reservations in North and South Dakota, Montana, and Nebraska. See also Sitting Bull.