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东南亚建筑(Southeast Asian architecture)
指缅甸、泰国、寮国、柬埔寨、越南、马来西亚、新加坡、印尼与菲律宾的建筑。大多数东南亚的大规模寺院都建造於13世纪之前。印度皇室的寺院支配了东南亚建筑文化,其特色为建立在有阶梯的基座上,上面的塔状神殿则可以不断地排列延伸。理想上以石材建造,也能利用以灰泥雕饰的砖。建筑外部表现了弯曲而有韵律的边饰与人体雕塑。约在西元770年的爪哇夏连特王朝(Javanese Shailendra dynasty),开始建造一系列宏伟的石刻纪念碑式建筑,在巨大的大乘佛教(Mahayana Buddhist)婆罗浮屠寺院与印度罗盅哥莨(Hindu Lara Jonggrang,约900~930)达到巅峰。在880年左右,柬埔寨王闍耶跋摩二世(Jayavarman II)为寺院群建造一座砖山。由於为了吴哥(Angkor)的基础,这个立基於蓄水库与运河的计画更推进一步。历代国王在此处建立了更多的寺院山群,在吴哥窟达到了顶点。缅甸的蒲甘市(Pagan)是东南亚最佳的建筑聚点之一,其中有许多於1056至1287年之间由砖与灰泥所造的寺院与窣堵波(stupas)。缅甸佛塔(例如仰光大金塔)的特徵为扩散状的钟型基座,在其上有一个穹隆顶与螺旋状的尖突。缅甸与泰国的许多僧院,正如同寮国与越南的例子,都经历了反覆的扩大与重建。改建过的巴里岛印度教(Hinduism of Bali)建筑富有活力与奇想,并装饰了金箔与彩色玻璃。
English version:
Southeast Asian architecture
Buildings of Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Most of S.East Asia's great temples were built by the 13th century. The Indian royal temple, which dominated S.East Asian culture, typically stood on a terraced plinth, upon which towered shrines could multiply. Construction was ideally of stone but could be brick sculpted with stucco. Exteriors displayed carved rhythmic moldings and figures. In c. 770 the Javanese Shailendra dynasty began its series of superb stonecut monuments, culminating in the huge Mahayana Buddhist Borobudur and the Hindu Lara Jonggrang (c. 900-930). Around 800, the Cambodian king Jayavarman II built a brick mountain for a temple group. This plan was furthered when foundations were laid for Angkor, a scheme based on a grid of reservoirs and canals. Successive kings built more temple mountains there, culminating in Angkor Wat. Among S.East Asia's most impressive sites is the city of Pagan in Burma, with many brick and stucco Buddhist temples and stupas built 1056-1287. Burmese stupas (e.g., Shwe Dagon Pagoda) typically have a spreading, bell-shaped base topped by a dome and pointed spire. Burma and Thailand's many monasteries, like those of Laos and Vietnam, have been repeatedly enlarged and rebuilt. The architecture of the modified Hinduism of Bali is vigorously fantastical, with gilt paint and colored glass.