

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:52:29作者:百科


Milo?evi?, Slobodan

塞尔维亚民族主义政治家。出生於塞尔维亚与蒙特内哥罗的塞尔维亚共和国。十八岁加入当地的共产党。後来成为国营瓦斯公司总经理和贝尔格勒一家大银行的总裁。他接受其妻(一名共产主义理论家)的建议,1984年他担任贝尔格勒的共产党领袖,1987年成为塞尔维亚的共产党领领袖。他的支持者拥戴他取代政党领导人,1989年被塞尔维亚议会任命为塞尔维亚共和国总统。他反对与克罗埃西亚、斯洛维尼亚结为联邦,从而导致了南斯拉夫的分裂(1991)。他支援塞尔维亚民兵武装攻击波士尼亚和克罗埃西亚的穆斯林(参阅Bosnian conflict),但後来他代表波士尼亚的塞尔维亚人签署了一份和平协定。他担任新南斯拉夫联邦共和国的总统後,透过镇压和控制大众传媒来维持其政权。1999年他发动进攻镇压发生在科索沃地区的阿尔巴尼亚民族省份的种族骚乱(参阅Kosovo conflict)。北大西洋公约组织(NATO)军队於是展开大规模空袭轰炸塞尔维亚目标。随後他下令军队对科索沃进行种族清洗,迫使数百万科索沃的阿尔巴尼亚人流亡国外。他的这一行动也遭致全世界国家的憎恨,将他视为战犯。2000年他在大选中落败。第二年他被逮捕,并被引渡到荷兰,因战争罪而受审。


Milo?evi?, Slobodan

Serbian nationalist politician. Born in Serbia, Yugoslavia, he joined the local Communist Party at 18. He later became head of the state-owned gas company and president of a major Belgrade bank. Advised by his wife, a communist ideologue, he became head of the Communist Party in Belgrade (1984) and later in Serbia (1987). He replaced party leaders with his supporters, and in 1989 the Serbian assembly named him president of the republic. His opposition to a confederation with Croatia and Slovenia led to the breakup of Yugoslavia (1991). He supported Serb militias fighting Muslims in Bosnia and Croatia (see Bosnian conflict) but later signed a peace agreement on behalf of the Bosnian Serbs. As president of the new Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, he maintained his power by repression and control of the mass media. In 1999 he launched an offensive against insurgents in the ethnically Albanian province of Kosovo (see Kosovo conflict), which drew a massive retaliatory bombing campaign against Serbian targets by NATO forces. The subsequent “ethnic cleansing” of the province by troops under his command drove hundreds of thousands of Albanian Kosovars to other countries as refugees and earned him worldwide loathing as a war criminal. In 2000 he was defeated in national elections. The following year he was arrested and extradited to The Netherlands to stand trial for war crimes.
