

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:46:57作者:百科


Seeger, Pete(r)

美国民歌歌手和歌曲作家。人种音乐学的先驱查理.西格(1886~1979)之子,作曲家克劳佛.西格(R. Crawford Seeger)的继子。从哈佛大学辍学後,搭坐运货火车到全国各地旅行,收集曲调,并学弹班卓琴。1940年与格思里(W. Guthrie)组建了「年监」合唱团,到四处的工会大厅和农场集会演出。1948年他与海斯(L. Hays)、吉柏特(R. Gilbert)、黑勒曼(F. Hellerman)另组「编织者」合唱团,但由於西格先前参与的左翼活动,该团体被列入了黑名单。乐团在1952年解散,但三年後再次组合,在卡内基音乐厅成功举办了演唱会。西格却依然是黑名单的受害者,即使在他不与众议院非美活动委员会合作的罪名於1961年得到平反之後。他促进了乡间音乐(数位演出者相互伴奏和演唱)的成长,创作了〈花落何处〉、〈若我有铁槌〉等标准民歌。他还是一位卓越的反战、民权和环保事业的支持者。


Seeger, Pete(r)

U.S. folk singer and songwriter. Born in New York City, son of the pioneering ethnomusicologist Charles Seeger (1886-1979) and stepson of the composer Ruth Crawford Seeger, he studied at Harvard but left to travel the country by hopping freight trains, gathering tunes, and learning to play the banjo. In 1940 he organized the Almanac Singers with W. Guthrie, and performed widely at union halls and farm meetings. In 1948, with Lee Hays, Ronnie Gilbert, and Fred Hellerman, he formed the Weavers. Shortly after the group became successful, it was blacklisted because of Seeger's previous left-wing activities. They broke up in 1952, but reunited three years later for a triumphant Carnegie Hall concert. Seeger continued to suffer from blacklisting even after the overturning of a 1961 conviction for noncooperation with the House Committee on Un-American Activities. He fostered the growth of the hootenanny (a gathering of performers playing and singing for each other, with audience participation), and he wrote such folk standards as “Where Have All the Flowers Gone” and “If I Had a Hammer.” He is also known as a prominent supporter of antiwar, civil-rights, and environmental causes.


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