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English Civil Wars

指国会派(Parliamentarian)与王党(Royalist)支持者之间在不列颠群岛进行的战斗。查理一世和下院间已对立一段时间。在他企图逮捕五位议员,未得逞,於是双方备战。第一次内战(1642~1646)︰1642年查理一世在诺丁罕竖起他的旗帜,随後进行了几次不分胜负的遭遇战,但最後由克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell)领导的国会军在马斯敦荒原(Marston Moor)和内斯比(Naseby)两次战役中获胜。到1646年,王军终於溃散。1647年查理与一苏格兰团体订立秘约,答应在英格兰扶持长老派,压制独立派,以换取苏格兰的援助。因此导致第二次内战(1647~1649),一连串的王党暴乱和苏格兰人的入侵,但这些都被平定,最後查理於1649年被处死。斗争持续着,王党军在查理二世的领导下,於1651年入侵英格兰。同年国会军在乌斯特彻(Worcester)底将王党击败,查理二世逃往国外,内战乃告结束。在政治上,内战的结果是共和国和摄政(Protectorate)政体的建立;在宗教上,促成了英格兰人不信奉国教的传统。亦请参阅New Model Army、Solemn league and Covenant。


English Civil Wars

Armed conflict in the British Isles between Parliamentarians and supporters of the monarchy (Royalists). Tension between Charles I and the House of Commons had been building for some time, and after his unsuccessful attempt to arrest five members of Parliament, both sides prepared for war. The first phase of the wars (1642-46) was initially characterized by inconclusive encounters, but victories by Parliamentarian forces under Oliver Cromwell at the Battles of Marston Moor and Naseby turned the tide. In 1646 the Royalist forces were disbanded. In 1647 Charles I negotiated with a Scottish group for assistance, starting the second phase of the wars, a series of Royalist rebellions, and a Scottish invasion. All were defeated, and Charles I was executed in 1649. The fighting continued, and Royalist forces under Charles II invaded England in 1651. Parliamentary forces defeated the Royalists at Worcester in 1651 and Charles II fled abroad, effectively ending the civil wars. The wars' political consequence was the establishment of the Commonwealth and Protectorate. See also New Model Army, Solemn League and Covenant.
