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Erskine, Thomas
受封为厄尔斯金男爵(Baron Erskine (of Restormel))
英国律师。伯爵之子。离开军队後於1778年开始担任律师。在赢得一件创新毁访案件後开始业务兴隆,且在保护个人自由方面做出了重要贡献。他还为许多政治家和改革家被控犯有叛国罪行有关的罪行所作的辩护,包括为当时思想家汤玛斯.佩恩(Thomas Paine)所作的失败的辩护(1792),有助於纠正英国政府在法国大革命後采取的镇压措施。他为犯有精神病谋刺乔治三世(George III)的被告人作辩护,这对刑事责任法是一个重要的贡献。厄尔斯金曾两度担任议员(1783~1784, 1790~1806),1806年成为贵族,并在威廉.葛兰佛(William Grenville)的「精英内阁」(Ministry of All the Talents)中担任大法官(lord chancellor, 1806~1807)。1820年为卡洛琳王后(Queen Caroline)辩护,她因通奸而在被送交上议院(House of Lords)裁决剥夺她的权利和头衔之前被乔治四世(George IV)送审。他的哥哥大卫.史都华.厄尔斯金(David Steuart Erskine, 1742~1829)和亨利.厄尔斯金(Henry Erskine, 1746~1817)在遴选贵族方面为扞卫苏格兰主权的知名人士,且因为宪政体制辩护而背负煽动和判国罪名。
English version:
Erskine, Thomas
Scottish lawyer. Son of an earl, he left military service to become a lawyer in 1778. His practice flourished after he won a seminal libel case, and he went on to make important contributions to the protection of personal liberties. His defense of politicians and reformers on charges of treason and related offenses, including an unsuccessful defense of Thomas Paine (1792), checked repressive measures taken by the British government in the aftermath of the French Revolution. He contributed to the law of criminal responsibility by defending, on the novel ground of insanity, a would-be assassin of George III. He served in Parliament (1783-84, 1790-1806) until elevated to the peerage (1806), and was lord chancellor (1806-7) in William Grenville's “ministry of all talents.” In 1820 he defended Queen Caroline, whom George IV had brought to trial before the House of Lords for adultery in order to deprive her of her rights and title. His brothers David Steuart Erskine (1742-1829) and Henry Erskine (1746-1817) were notable for defending Scottish sovereignty in the selection of peers and defending constitutionality in the face of sedition and treason laws.