更新时间:2023-02-02 18:39:14作者:百科
洛杉矶(Los Angeles)
美国加州南部城市,为美国第二大城市,位於圣加布里埃尔山脉和太平洋之间沿海平原上。圣大芒尼加山脉把本市一分为二,将邻近的好莱坞、比佛利山和太平洋帕利塞德同圣费尔南多谷地分隔开来,靠近圣安德烈亚斯断层,故常发生地震。1771年为西班牙人传教团定居地,1781年建城,取名为「天使女王圣母玛利亚城镇」(El Pueblo de la Reyna de los Angeles)。墨西哥战争时,为美军所夺。1849年随着淘金热开始繁荣。1850年设建制,1876和1885年铁路通达後开始迅速成长。1913年建立一条导水管,把内华达山脉南坡的融雪引入市区,供应家户使用。1994年的大地震受创严重。市内具有历史的景点包括:早期的西班牙传教团、盖提博物馆、洛杉矶公司艺术博物馆和现代艺术博物馆。教育机构包括:南加州大学、西方学院和加州大学洛杉矶分校。人口约3,598,000(1998)。
English version:
Los Angeles
City (pop., 1996 est.: 3,554,000), southern California. The second largest city in the U.S., it is situated between the San Gabriel Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Bisected by the Santa Monica Mtns., which separate the neighborhoods of Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Pacific Palisades from the San Fernando Valley, it is near the San Andreas Fault and earthquakes are frequent. It began in 1771 as a Spanish mission; the city was established as El Pueblo de la Reyna de los Angeles (the Town of the Queen of the Angels) in 1781. Taken by U.S. forces in the Mexican War, it prospered in the wake of the 1849 gold rush. Incorporated in 1850, the city grew rapidly after the arrival of the railroads in 1876 and 1885. In 1913 an aqueduct was built to supply it with water from the slopes of the Sierra Nevada. It was struck by a major earthquake in 1994. Sites of interest include early Spanish missions, the Getty Museum, the Los Angeles Co. Museum of Art, and the Museum of Contemporary Art. Educational institutions include the University of Southern California, Occidental College, and the University of California at Los Angeles.