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1812年战争(War of 1812)
英国和美国之间的一场不分胜负的战争,因美国在拿破仑战争中不堪忍受英国在海上的凌辱行为而引起。1793~1815年英法交战,英国封锁所有法国港口,在公海上拦检他们认为可疑的要前往法国的美国和中立国船只,并强迫美国海员服役。美国要求解除封锁,但英国拒绝,美国遂於1812年6月18日对英宣战。交战中,双方势均力敌,互有胜负。美军入侵加拿大的计画终未实现。在争夺伊利、安大略、山普伦诸湖控制权的海战中,美舰所得有限,虽然夺回底特律城,至1814年夏,英军仍有效控制密西根湖通道,且占领密西西比河北段。美军曾攻占约克(多伦多),英军则袭取华盛顿特区。美舰虽骚扰牵制英国贸易,但未能破坏英国的海上控制权及其对美国海岸的封锁。1814年12月24日厌战的双方在比利时签署「根特条约」,恢复战前态势。但是战争的结束防止了美国新英格兰地区因厌弃战争而酝酿的脱离联邦的运动。而且,美军在战争後期取得的胜利、欧战的结束以及摧毁印第安人的抵抗等因素更造成了犹如美国是胜利者的气氛。亦请参阅Chateauguay, Battle of、Chippewa, Battle of、Thames, Battle of the、Hull, Isaac、Perry, Oliver Hazard。
English version:
War of 1812
U.S.-British conflict arising from U.S. grievances over oppressive British maritime practices in the Napoleonic Wars. To enforce its blockade of French ports, the British boarded U.S. and other neutral ships to check cargo they suspected was being sent to France and to impress seamen alleged to be British navy deserters. The U.S. reacted by passing such legislation as the Embargo Act (1807); Congress's War Hawks called for expulsion of the British from Canada to ensure frontier security. When the U.S. demanded an end to the interference, Britain refused, and the U.S. declared war on June 18, 1812. Despite early U.S. naval victories, notably the duel between the Constitution and the Guerrière, Britain maintained its blockade of eastern U.S. ports. A British force burned public buildings in Washington, D.C., including the White House, in retaliation for similar U.S. acts in York (Toronto), Canada. The war became increasingly unpopular, especially in New England, where a separatist movement originated at the Hartford Convention. On December 24, 1814, both sides signed the Treaty of Ghent, which essentially restored territories captured by each side. Before news of the treaty reached the U.S., its victory in the Battle of New Orleans led it to later proclaim the war a U.S. victory. See also Battles of Chateauguay, Chippewa, the Thames; Isaac Hull, Francis Scott Key, Oliver Perry.