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Dewey, John

美国哲学家、心理学家和教育家,是实用主义(pragmatism)哲学派的创立者之一,也是实用心理学派的开路先锋,并且是美国教育促进运动的领袖。1884年获约翰.霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)哲学博士学位。之後到密西根大学(University of Michigan)执教十余年,然後转往芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)任教。杜威受到霍尔(G. Stanley Hall)和詹姆斯的影响,发展出一种知识工具论,认为思想是一种工具,用来解决所遭遇到的问题。相信用现代科学的实验方法可望解决社会和伦理方面的问题,他还把这种观点应用到民主和自由主义的研究上。他认为民主提供机会给公民去作极大的实验,并促进个人成长。教育方面最有名的着作是《学校与社会》(The School and Society, 1899)、《孩子和课程》(The Child and the Curriculum, 1902),强调孩子的兴趣,并用教室来从思考和体验之间促进相互影响。他在芝加哥创建实验学校来测试他的理论。杜威在心理学方面的工作集中在整个有机体努力去适应环境的问题。1904年杜威进哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)任哲学教授。1925年出版其经典之作《经验和自然》(Experience and Nature)。


Dewey, John

U.S. philosopher and educator who was one of the founders of pragmatism, a pioneer in functional psychology, and a leader of the progressive movement in U.S. education. He received his Ph.D. (1884) from Johns Hopkins University and taught 10 years at the University of Michigan before moving to the University of Chicago. Influenced by G. Stanley Hall and William James, he developed an instrumentalist theory of knowledge that conceived of ideas as tools for the solution of problems encountered in the environment. Believing the experimental methods of modern science provided the most promising approach to social and ethical problems, he applied this view to studies of democracy and liberalism. He believed that democracy provided citizens with the opportunity for maximum experimentation and personal growth. His writings on education, notably The School and Society (1899) and The Child and the Curriculum (1902), emphasized the interests of the child and the use of the classroom to cultivate the interplay between thought and experience. At Chicago he created laboratory schools to test his theories. His work in psychology focused on the total organism in its efforts to adjust to the environment. In 1904 Dewey joined the Columbia University faculty. In 1925 he produced his magnum opus, Experience and Nature.


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