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Toussaint-Louverture,原名Fran?ois Dominique Toussaint。
法国大革命期间海地独立运动的领导者。奴隶出身,1777年成为自由人。1791年参加奴隶起义,不久便召集成立了自己的军队,并在游击战中对其进行训练。1793年法西战争爆发後,他与其他黑人指挥官一同加入了西班牙军队,但由於法国後来废除了奴隶制,而西班牙却没有,因此他在1794年向法军投诚。他通过起义,在拉丁美洲建立了第一个独立国家。他由圣多米尼哥的副总督晋升为总督,并逐渐使自己摆脱了名义上的法国统治者的地位。他与英国签定条约,确保英军从圣多米尼哥撤离,并开始与英美开展贸易。1801年他重新把注意力转向西班牙人在伊斯帕尼奥拉岛上的控制范围--圣多明各,赶走了西班牙人,并解放了那里的奴隶。使自己成为终身总督。1802年被法国人罢黜,死於法国监狱中。亦请参阅Dessalines, Jean-Jacques。
English version:
Leader of the Haitian independence movement during the French Revolution. Born a slave, he was freed in 1777. In 1791 he joined a slave rebellion, and soon assembled an army of his own, which he trained in guerrilla warfare. When France and Spain went to war in 1793, he and other black commanders joined the Spaniards, but in 1794 he switched his allegiance to the French because France, unlike Spain, had recently abolished slavery. His revolt created the first independent nation in Latin America. He rose from lieutenant governor to governor-general of Saint-Domingue and gradually rid himself of nominal French superiors. Treaties with the British secured their withdrawal, and he began trade with them and the U.S. In 1801 he turned his attention to Santo Domingo, the Spanish-controlled portion of Hispaniola, driving out the Spanish and freeing the slaves there. He made himself governor-general for life. He was deposed by the French in 1802 and died in custody in France. See also J.-J. Dessalines.