

更新时间:2023-02-02 15:56:56作者:百科


美国东南部一州。位於东南海岸突出的半岛上,首府塔拉哈西,位於西北部锅柄状地区。远在一万年以前,古印第安人便从北部进入佛罗里达。1513年左右庞塞.德莱昂来此探险,1565年西班牙人建立圣奥古斯丁。1763年法国印第安人战争後佛罗里达归英国人所有,美国革命後(1783)这个地区受西班牙控制。1812年战争期间,彭萨科拉被英国人当作基地,雇用印第安人和逃亡奴隶不断骚扰美国的居民点。1819年安德鲁.杰克森率军攻占彭萨科拉,使得佛罗里达被割让给美国。接着发生与塞米诺尔印第安人的战争(参阅Seminole wars)。佛罗里达於1845年成为美国的州。20世纪晚期成为美国成长最快速的州,全国约75%的柑桔产於该州,是第二大蔬菜生产州,仅次於加州。旅游业是主要工业,迪士尼世界(参阅Disney World and Disneyland)是重要景点。电子产业亦重要;以甘乃迪太空中心为中心的航太工业,雇用了数以千计的员工。该州有许多古巴人,特别是迈阿密,他们对加勒比海区的经济扮演重要角色。该州还有大沼泽地国家公园。面积151,939平方公里。人口约15,982,378(2000)。


State (pop., 1997 est.: 14,654,000), southeastern U.S. It comprises a peninsula and adjoining mainland areas, and covers 58,664 sq mi (151,940 sq km); its capital is Tallahassee. Indian groups entered Florida from the north as early as 10,000 years ago. It was explored by Juan Ponce de Leon c. 1513, and in 1565 Spaniards founded St. Augustine. Florida became a British possession in 1763 after the French and Indian Wars. The area reverted to Spanish control after the American Revolution (1783) but was used by the British as a base of operations during the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson's capture of Pensacola during that war led to the cession of Florida to the U.S. in 1819. A war with the Seminole Indians followed (see Seminole Wars). Florida became a state in 1845. It seceded from the Union in 1861, then was readmitted in 1868. In the late 20th century, it became one of the fastest growing states in the U.S. It produces about 75% of the nation's citrus fruits, and is second only to California in vegetable production. Tourism is a leading industry, with Disney World a major attraction. Electronics manufacture is important, and the aerospace industry, centered on the Kennedy Space Center (see Cape Canaveral), employs many thousands of people. The state, and especially the city of Miami, with its large Cuban population, plays a major economic role in the Caribbean region. Among its many recreational areas is Everglades National Park.


  • 王鹫的外形特征、生活习性、分类地位、化石纪录及演化、佛罗里达彩鹫、外形特征、栖息地、生态及行为、食性、生殖、保育、与人类关系、保护现状鸟类知识