

更新时间:2023-02-02 15:56:49作者:百科


Meiji period

日本历史时期,起自明治天皇(Meiji emperor)掌政,至其逝世告终。这是个急速现代化与西化的时代。封建领地被废除,取而代之的是地方县市;大名(daimyo)与武士(samurai)的特权也一并取消。并不是所有的武士都乐见这种改变,因此发生了多起叛变,其中最着名的是西乡隆盛(Saigo Takamori)所发起的那次。为了维护强而有力的中央政权,全国进行普遍徵兵而建立起一支国家军队。新的农业税制也被制定出来,以支撑新政府的财政,并引进十进位的流通币制。为了促进经济成长,政府对纺织工业伸出援手,建设铁路与船运网,并兴建钢铁工厂。同时也进行教育改革,实行强制性的男女同校义务教育。1912年时,明治维新的目标已大致达成:与西方列强的不平等条约重新签订,经济也蓬勃发展,而军事力量更赢得西方各国的看重。亦请参阅Charter Oath、Meiji Constitution。


Meiji period

Period in Japanese history beginning with the restoration of the Meiji emperor and ending with his death. It was a time of rapid modernization and westernization. Feudal domains were abolished and replaced with prefectures; daimyo and samurai were relieved of their special privileges. Not all samurai were happy with the changes, and there were numerous rebellions, notably that of Saigo Takamori. To secure a strong central government, a national army was formed and universal conscription was enacted. A new agricultural tax was instituted to finance the new government, and a decimal currency was introduced. Eager to encourage economic growth, the government aided the textile industry, established railways and shipping lines, and founded an ironworks. Education was also reformed, and compulsory coeducational elementary schools were introduced. By 1912 the goals of the Meiji Restoration had been largely accomplished: the unequal treaties with Western powers had been revised, the country was developing well economically, and its military power had won the respect of the West. See also Charter Oath, Meiji Constitution.
