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Eisenhower, Dwight D(avid)
美国第三十四任总统(1953~1961),生於德州丹尼森市(Denison)。1915年自西点军校毕业。1922~1924年到巴拿马运河区(Panama Canal Zone)服役,1935~1939年在麦克阿瑟(Douglas MacArthur)将军麾下至菲律宾服役。第二次世界大战时,马歇尔(George Marshall)将军指派他到作战计画处任职(1941)。1942年遴选他为驻欧美军司令。在计画入侵北非、西西里和义大利之後,1943年就任盟国远征军最高司令官。1944年计画诺曼第登陆(Normandy Campaign),并在欧洲指挥作战直至1945年德国投降。1944年晋级为五星上将。1945年总统任命他为陆军参谋长。1948年任哥伦比亚大学校长,直至1951年被任命为北大西洋公约组织最高司令。当时民主党和共和党共同推举艾森豪为总统候选人。1952年艾森豪代表共和党参加总统大选,以压倒性胜利击败对手史蒂文生(Adlai Stevenson);1956年,艾森豪再度以压倒性胜利击败史蒂文生,获得连任。任内政绩包括致力以「艾森豪主义」(Eisenhower Doctrine)法案抑制共产主义的滋长,还曾派联邦军队到阿肯色州的小岩城(Little Rock)强制一所市立高中实施无种族差别待遇的政策(1957)。同年当苏联发射第一颗人造卫星「史波尼克1号」(Sputnik I)时,他被人批评发展美国太空计画失败,因而在1958年建立美国国家航空暨太空总署(NASA)。在他卸任前几个星期,美国与古巴的外交关系破裂。
English version:
Eisenhower, Dwight D(avid)
34th president of the U.S. (1953-61). Born in Denison, Texas, he graduated from West Point (1915), then served in the Panama Canal Zone (1922-24) and in the Philippines under Douglas MacArthur (1935-39). In World War II Gen. George Marshall appointed him to the army's war-plans division (1941), then chose him to command U.S. forces in Europe (1942). After planning the invasions of North Africa, Sicily, and Italy, he was appointed supreme commander of Allied forces (1943). He planned the Normandy Campaign (1944) and the conduct of the war in Europe until the German surrender (1945). He was promoted to five-star general (1944) and was named army chief of staff in 1945. He served as president of Columbia University from 1948 until being appointed supreme commander of NATO in 1951. Both Democrats and Republicans courted Eisenhower as a presidential candidate; in 1952, as the Republican candidate, he defeated Adlai Stevenson with the largest popular vote up to that time. He defeated Stevenson again in 1956 in an even larger landslide. His achievements included efforts to contain Communism with the Eisenhower Doctrine. He sent federal troops to Little Rock, Ark., to enforce integration of a city high school (1957). When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I (1957), he was criticized for failing to develop the U.S. space program and responded by creating NASA (1958). In his last weeks in office the U.S. broke diplomatic relations with Cuba.