

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:25:48作者:百科


非常高的多层建筑物。起初该词用於十~二十层的建筑,但是现在通常指超过四十或五十层的高楼大厦。摩天大楼的先驱是博加德斯(1800~1874)在纽约市建造的铸铁大厦(1848),以牢固的铁骨架主要承载上层和屋顶的负荷。後来柏塞麦炼钢法的改进使极高的高层建筑的建造成为可能。芝加哥的由詹尼(1832~1907)设计的国内保险公司大厦首次采用钢梁结构。结构上,摩天大楼包括由地面下脚柱组成的下层结构,由地面上柱和梁组成的上层结构,以及紧紧依赖梁的幕墙。管状结构、柱形管和捆绑管也被应用以增加摩天大楼抵抗侧风和地震的能力。由汗(F. Khan, 1928~1982)发展的捆绑管系统使用细钢管绑在一起以形成特别硬的柱子,此项技术已被用於世界上最高的一些摩天大楼的建筑中(如西尔斯大厦)。摩天大楼的设计和装饰经历了几个阶段:沙利文强调垂直性;马吉姆-米德-怀特(参阅McKim, Charles F.和White, Stanford)公司侧重新古典主义。国际风格是适合摩天大楼设计的理想形式。摩天大楼起初是一种商业建筑,现也用於住宅。亦请参阅setback。


Very tall multistoried building. The term originally applied to buildings of 10-20 stories, but now generally describes high-rises of more than 40-50 stories. James Bogardus (1800-1874) built the pioneering Cast Iron Building, New York (1848), with a rigid iron frame providing the main support for upper-floor and roof loads. The refinement of the Bessemer process for making steel (lighter and stronger than iron) made extremely tall buildings possible. Chicago's Home Insurance Co. Building (1884-85), by William Le Baron Jenney (1832-1907), was the first tall building to use a steel skeleton. Structurally, skyscrapers consist of a substructure supported by a deep foundation of piles or caissons beneath the ground, an aboveground superstructure of columns and girders, and a curtain wall hung on the structural framework. Tube structures, braced tubes, and trussed tubes were developed to give skyscrapers the ability to resist lateral wind and seismic forces. The bundled-tube system, developed by Fazlur Khan (1928-1982), uses narrow steel tubes clustered together to form exceptionally rigid columns, and has been used to build some of the world's tallest skyscrapers (e.g., Sears Tower). Skyscraper design and decoration have passed through several stages: Louis Sullivan emphasized verticality; the firm of McKim, Mead, & White (see Charles F. McKim, Stanford White) stressed Neoclassicism. The International Style was ideally suited to skyscraper design. Originally a form of commercial architecture, skyscrapers have increasingly been used for residential purposes as well. See also setback.
