

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:25:33作者:百科


Shaftesbury, 1st Earl of,原名Anthony Ashley Cooper。

英国政治人物。曾参加英国内战,起先为国王而战(1643),後又投向国会(1644)。後被克伦威尔任命为国务委员会委员(1653~1654、1659),并在国会任职(1654~1660)。为被派去邀请查理二世回国的十二名专员之一,查理还政後,他进入枢密院(1660),1661~1672年任财务大臣,1672~1673年任内阁大臣。在任贸易与海外殖民事务委员会委员期间(1672~1674),他在其被保护人洛克的协助下,为北美的加州拟订宪法草案。後因支持反天主教的「宗教考查法」及反对查理的兄弟詹姆斯(後来成为詹姆斯二世)与天主教徒结婚,而被查理革职,之後成为反对派辉格党的领导人。他利用欧次(T. Oates)造成的政治混乱,巩固自己在国会中的势力,并企图通过拒绝詹姆斯登基的「排斥法案」,但未果。查理於1681年解散国会,沙夫茨伯里以叛国罪受到审判,但宣告无罪。1682年逃亡到荷兰,在那里去世。


Shaftesbury, 1st Earl of

English politician. He served in the English Civil War, fighting first for the king (1643), then for Parliament (1644). He was appointed by Oliver Cromwell to the council of state (1653-54, 1659) and also served in Parliament (1654-60). One of 12 commissioners sent to invite Charles II to return to England, he was appointed to Charles's privy council (1660) and served as chancellor of the exchequer (1661-72) and lord chancellor (1672-73). As head of the Council of Trade and Foreign Plantations (1672-74) he drew up a constitution for the North American province of Carolina, aided by his protégé John Locke. Dismissed by Charles for supporting the anti-Catholic Test Act and opposing the marriage of Charles's brother James (later James II) to another Catholic, Shaftesbury became a leader of the Whig opposition. He exploited the political chaos caused by Titus Oates to consolidate his parliamentary power and tried unsuccessfully to pass the Exclusion Bill, to keep James from the throne. In 1681 Charles dissolved the Parliament; Shaftesbury was arrested and tried for treason but acquitted. In 1682 he fled to Holland, where he died.
