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Marshall, John
美国爱国者、政治家、法学家。十五个小孩中排行老大。1755年,入民兵预备役。美国革命中,在华盛顿领导下作战,任陆军中尉。1781年退伍後,被选进维吉尼亚州的州议院。1782~1795年,任职於维吉尼亚州的州行政机构,成为维吉尼亚州联邦党的领导人之一。在维吉尼亚州批准联邦宪法的大会中,他支援批准联邦宪法。1797~1798年,他和另外两个人被任命为一个使团的成员派往法国(参阅XYZ Affair)。1800~1801年出任亚当斯政府的国务卿。1801年获亚当斯总统任命,担任联邦最高法院首席大法官,直至去世。他参与了一千多起判决,其中519件亲自裁断。在美国最高法院首席大法官任内,他建立了政府的主要框架。重要的判决包括:「马伯里诉麦迪逊案」、「麦卡洛克诉马里兰州案」、「达特茅斯学院案」和「吉本斯诉欧格登案」。马歇尔被认为是美国宪法制度(包括司法审查原则)的主要创始人。
English version:
Marshall, John
U.S. patriot, politician, and jurist. Born near Germantown, Va., he was the eldest of 15 children. In 1775 he joined a regiment of minutemen; he served as a lieutenant under Gen. George Washington in the American Revolution. After his discharge (1781), he served in the Virginia legislature and on Virginia's executive council (1782-95), gaining a reputation as a leading Federalist. He supported ratification of the U.S. Constitution at the state's ratifying convention. He was one of three commissioners sent to France 1797-98 (see XYZ Affair). He served Pres. John Adams as secretary of state (1800-1). In 1801 Adams named Marshall chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, in which post he would remain until his death. He participated in more than 1,000 decisions, writing 519 himself. During his tenure the Court set forth the main structural lines of the government; its groundbreaking decisions included Marbury vs. Madison, McCulloch vs. Maryland, the Dartmouth College case, and Gibbons vs. Ogden. Marshall is remembered as the principal founder of the U.S. system of constitutional law, including the doctrine of judicial review.