

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:17:55作者:百科


正式名称赤道几内亚共和国(Republic of Equatorial Guinea)

旧称西属几内亚(Spanish Guinea)

赤道非洲西海岸的共和国。有一部分在大陆上,包括比奥科岛。面积约10,831平方哩(28,051平方公里)。人口约486,000(2001)。首都︰马拉博(Malabo)。大陆人口大多操班图语的芳人(Fang),还有其他操班图语的少数部落(参阅Bantu languages)。比奥科岛人口大多数为布比人(Bubi),他们是从大陆迁移来的班图人的後裔。语言︰西班牙语和法语(均为官方语);一般人操洋泾滨英语。宗教︰天主教(4/5的人口),布比人仍保持传统宗教。货币︰非洲金融共同体法郎(CFAF)。与喀麦隆和加彭为界。赤道几内亚的大陆部分——木尼河省,隔比夫拉湾(Bight of Biafra)与其西北面的比奥科岛相望。大陆沿海平原为19公里宽,有很长的海滩;南面有低陡崖;东面有丘陵和高原。贝尼托河(Benito River)贯穿大陆区域。比奥科岛由三座死火山锥构成,有火口湖(crater lake)和肥沃的熔岩土壤(lava soil)。浓密的热带雨林遍布大陆,包括有价值的硬木。由於被大量猎杀,动物数量大为减少。只有可可、木材和咖啡可出口。政府形式是共和国,一院制。国家元首是总统,政府首脑为总理。

大陆地区的最初居民大概是俾格米人(pygmie)。现今占主要地位的芳人和布比人在17世纪班图人的迁移中分别来到大陆地区。18世纪末,赤道几内亚从葡萄牙人手中转到西班亚人之手;奴隶贩卖商以及英国、德国、荷兰和法国商人常来该地。比奥科岛受英国统治(1827~1858);其後由西班牙正式接管。而大陆部分(木尼河省)则直至1926年才被西班牙人实际占领。1968年宣布独立後,独裁总统恩固伊马(Macías Nguema)实行恐怖统治,造成经济混乱,在1979年一次政变中被推翻,後被处死。1982年通过新宪法,但政治动乱仍然持续。

Equatorial Guinea

formerlySpanish GuineaRepublic on the western coast of equatorial Africa, partly on the mainland, and including Bioko Island. Area: 10,831 sq mi (28,051 sq km). Population (1997): 443,000. Capital: Malabo. The majority of the mainland population are Bantu-speaking Fang people, with a minority of other Bantu-speaking tribes (see Bantu languages). The majority on Bioko are the Bubi, descendants of Bantu migrants from the mainland. Languages: Spanish, French (both official); pidgin English is commonly spoken. Religion: Roman Catholicism (four-fifths of the population); the Bubi retain their traditional religion. Currency: CFA franc. Bordered by Cameroon and Gabon, Equatorial Guinea's mainland region, Río Muni (Mbini), is separated by the Bight of Biafra from the island area of Bioko to the northwest. The mainland has a coastal plain some 12 mi (20 km) wide, with a long stretch of beach, low cliffs to the south, and hills and plateaus to the east. The Benito River divides the region. The island of Bioko consists of three extinct volcanic cones and has several crater lakes and rich lava soils. Dense tropical rain forest prevails throughout the mainland, and includes valuable hardwoods. Animal life has been decimated by overhunting. Cacao, timber, and coffee are the only exports. Equatorial Guinea is a republic with one legislative house; its chief of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. The first inhabitants of the mainland region appear to have been pygmies. The now-prominent Fang and Bubi reached the mainland region in the 17th-century Bantu migrations. Equatorial Guinea was ceded by the Portuguese to the Spanish in the late 18th century; it was frequented by slave traders, as well as by British, German, Dutch, and French merchants. Bioko was administered by British authorities (1827-58) before the official takeover by the Spanish. The mainland (Río Muni) was not effectively occupied by the Spanish until 1926. Independence was declared in 1968, followed by a reign of terror and economic chaos under the dictatorial president Macías Nguema, who was overthrown by a military coup in 1979 and later executed. A new constitution was adopted in 1982, but political unrest persisted.
