

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:15:18作者:百科


美国在1870~1911年间的托拉斯公司集团,几乎独占控制了美国境内的石油业。该公司起源於1863年间,当时洛克斐勒加入克利夫兰的一家炼油事业,而後加上若干相关机构於1870年并属於新成立的标准石油公司。到了1880年,该公司透过逐退竞争者、与其他公司合并以及优惠的铁路回扣,控制了美国所产石油90~95%的提炼工作。在1882年,标准石油公司和其关联公司合并为标准石油托拉斯,最後,托拉斯成员包含了多达四十家的公司。1892年俄亥俄州高等法院下令解散此托拉斯,但其仍然透过纽约市的总部(之後位於新泽西州)有效运作下去。其垄断手法被揭露於塔贝尔所着的《标准石油公司史》(1904)一书,之後经过美国政府提起的长期控告(参阅antitrust law),标准石油王国在1911年宣告解散。新泽西州标准石油公司在1972年更名为艾克森公司,其他公司,诸如美孚公司、阿莫寇股份有限公司和雪弗伦公司,过去都曾为托拉斯的成员。

Standard Oil Co. and Trust

U.S. company and corporate trust that held a near monopoly over the U.S. oil industry from 1870 to 1911. The company originated in 1863, when John D. Rockefeller joined a Cleveland refining firm, which, with other facilities, was incorporated as the Standard Oil Co. in 1870. By 1880, through elimination of competitors, mergers, and use of favorable railroad rebates, it controlled the refining of 90-95% of all oil produced in the U.S. In 1882 Standard Oil and affiliated oil companies were combined in the Standard Oil Trust, which eventually included some 40 corporations. In 1892 the Ohio Supreme Court ordered the trust dissolved, but it continued to operate from headquarters in New York and later New Jersey. Its monopolistic practices were exposed in Ida Tarbell's History of the Standard Oil Company (1904), and after a lengthy antitrust suit by the U.S. government (see antitrust law), the Standard Oil empire was broken up in 1911. Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) changed its name to Exxon Corp. in 1972; other corporations such as Mobil, Amoco, and Chevron include companies that once belonged to the trust.
