

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:12:52作者:百科


以描述传奇中的亚瑟王为中心的英国中世纪传奇故事的总称。中世纪作家,特别是法国作家,对亚瑟(Arthur)王的出生、他的骑士们的奇遇,以及他的骑士兰斯洛特(Lancelot)和亚瑟的王后圭尼维尔(Guinevere)的奸情,都有不同的描述。亚瑟和他的宫廷的故事在11世纪前曾流行於威尔斯,通过蒙茅斯的杰弗里(Geoffery of Monmouth)的文学作品而流行於欧洲。克雷蒂安.德.特罗亚(Chrétien de Troyes)、瓦斯(Wace)、雷亚孟(Layamon)、马罗莱(Sir Thomas Malory)等人都曾写过有关圣杯(grail)的故事。维多利亚时期这个题材再度流行,重要的作家有但尼生(Alfred Tennyson)的《亚瑟王之牧歌》(idylls of the King)和怀特(T. H. White)的《过往和未来的国王》(The Once and Future King)。亚瑟是否为一历史人物仍无法确定。中世纪传说他是6世纪的战士,拥护基督教,率不列颠部落击败撒克逊入侵者,539年左右死於卡曼兰战役,後葬於格拉斯顿伯里(Glastonbury)。亦请参阅Merlin、Galahad、Tristan and Iseult。

Arthurian legend

Body of stories and medieval romances centering on the legendary English king Arthur. The stories chronicle Arthur's life, the adventures of his knights, and the adulterous love between his knight Sir Lancelot and his queen, Guinevere. The legend was popular in Wales before the 11th century, was brought into literature by Geoffrey of Monmouth, and was adapted by other medieval writers, including Chrétien de Troyes, Wace, Layamon, and Sir Thomas Malory, becoming entwined with legends of the grail. From Victorian times, when interest in the legend revived, it has figured in major works by Alfred Tennyson (Idylls of the King) and T.H. White (The Once and Future King). It is uncertain whether Arthur was a historical figure. Medieval sources say he was a 6th-century warrior and champion of Christianity, who united the British tribes against the Saxon invaders, died in battle at Camlann c. 539, and was buried at Glastonbury. See also Galahad, Merlin, Tristan and Isolde.
