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Lennon, John (Winston)
英国歌手与作曲家。出生於利物浦的他原先希望成为像父亲一样的水手,但是在听过艾维斯普里斯莱(E. Presley)的唱片後决定要成为作曲家。1957年他组成後来名为披头合唱团(the Beatles)的乐团。1960年代和保罗麦卡尼(Paul McCartney)一起写歌,并随着乐团演出,而享有盛名。在1960年代中期,他开始附带从事电影和音乐的企画,特别是和他於1969年结婚的美国日裔前卫艺术家小野洋子(Yoko Ono, 1933~)一起合作。他们的政治激进主义和社会理想反映在很多约翰蓝侬早期的独唱作品中,包括红极一时的〈想像〉(Imagine),并引起美国政府的注意,尝试想将他驱逐出境。1975年後他淡出乐坛。当他和小野带着新唱片集《双重幻想》(Double Fantasy)再度复出乐坛时,却在很短的时间内意外遭精神错乱的乐迷谋杀。他的儿子朱利安(Julian, 1963~)和尚恩(Sean, 1975~)在唱片业界也功成名就。
English version:
Lennon, John (Winston)
British singer and songwriter. Born in Liverpool, he wanted to be a sailor like his father, but decided to be a musician after hearing E. Presley's recordings. In 1957 he formed the band that became the Beatles, and in the 1960s he enjoyed enormous success performing with the group and writing songs with Paul McCartney. In the mid-1960s he began working on side projects in film and music, notably with the Japanese-U.S. avant-garde artist Yoko Ono (born 1933), whom he married in 1969. Their political activism and social ideals were reflected in much of Lennon's early solo work, including the hit "Imagine," and attracted the attention of the U.S. government, which sought to have him deported. After 1975 he withdrew from public life; he and Ono returned with the album Double Fantasy shortly before his murder by a deranged fan. His sons Julian (born 1963) and Sean (born 1975) have also enjoyed recording success.