

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:12:19作者:百科


Eugene of Savoy,原名Fran?ois-Eugène, prince de Savoie-Carignan。

法裔奥地利将军。生於巴黎,是萨伏依-卡瑞良王室(House of Savoy-Carignan)苏瓦松伯爵(comte de Soissons)跟马萨林(Jules Mazarin)侄女奥林佩.麦西尼(Olympe Mancini,参阅Mancini family)的儿子。路易十四世曾严厉抑制他的野心,建议他离开法国为利奥波德一世(Leopold I)工作。他後来为约瑟夫一世(Joseph I)和查理四世服务。他的军事天才、殊死精神和战斗激情使他扶摇直上,二十九岁便成为帝国陆军元帅。奥土战争期间,在中欧和巴尔干三度击溃土军,大同盟战争(War of Grand Alliance, 1689~1697)和西班牙王位继承战争(Spanish Succession, 1701~1714)时期,两度与法军交战。在朋友马博罗公爵(duke of Marlborough)的协助下,在布伦海姆战役(Battle of Blenheim, 1704)赢得重要胜利,并将法国逐出义大利。1718年他大胜土耳其,拿下贝尔格勒。之後他担任奥属尼德兰(Austrian Netherlands)首长(1714~1724)。他是出色的战略家,也是懂得激励人心的领袖,被认为是当代最伟大军人之一。


Eugene of Savoy

French-Austrian general. Born in Paris, he was the son of the comte de Soissons, of the House of Savoy-Carignan, and of Olympe Mancini (see Mancini family), niece of Jules Mazarin. Louis XIV severely restrained Eugene's ambitions, prompting him to leave France and enter the service of Emperor Leopold I. He later served Joseph I and Charles VI. He quickly distinguished himself in battle and advanced in rank to imperial field marshal at 29. He fought notably against the Turks in central Europe and the Balkans and against France in the War of the Grand Alliance and the War of the Spanish Succession. With his friend the duke of Marlborough, he won the important victory at the Battle of Blenheim (1704) and ousted the French from Italy. In 1718 he won a great triumph over the Turks, taking the city of Belgrade. He later served as governor in the Austrian Netherlands (1714-24). An outstanding strategist and an inspired leader, he was regarded as one of the greatest soldiers of his generation.
